CSS Transform 2D Tutorial in Hindi / Urdu

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In this tutorial you are going to learn css transform in hindi, urdu language.You can learn different type of 2d transform like rotate, scale, translate, skew and matrix.By learing this you can easily transform the shape of any html tag in 2d view.
0:23 CSS 2D Transform Introduction
1:13 CSS Transform rotate
2:49 CSS Transform skew, skewX, skewY
4:30 CSS transform-origin
8:22 CSS Transform translate, translateX, translateY
10:34 CSS Transform scale, scaleX, scaleY
12:02 CSS Transform matrix
13:37 CSS Transform none
13:48 CSS Transform Animation on Mouse Hover
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#css #webdesign #css3 #csstutorial #yahoobaba
0:23 CSS 2D Transform Introduction
1:13 CSS Transform rotate
2:49 CSS Transform skew, skewX, skewY
4:30 CSS transform-origin
8:22 CSS Transform translate, translateX, translateY
10:34 CSS Transform scale, scaleX, scaleY
12:02 CSS Transform matrix
13:37 CSS Transform none
13:48 CSS Transform Animation on Mouse Hover
✅ CSS Tutorial in Hindi Playlist
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#css #webdesign #css3 #csstutorial #yahoobaba
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