Dark Energy - Lecture 1

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Speaker: C. De Rham (Imperial College)
Summer School on Cosmology 2018 | (smr 3213)
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Can a wave function be viewed as energy fluctuation


ENERGY & MATTER (Synopsis) (revised 14/11/18)

Energy: To quote from Mike Flynne’s book “Infinity In Your Pocket” page 68;

Energy is a controversial topic among scientists. Everyone knows what energy does but no one seems to be certain what it is. Essentially there are two models used to describe the nature and behaviour of energy; the transformation model and the transference model.

Rather than rely upon two contradictory theoretical models, we will be relying upon knowledge which is commonly available, and make use of this to take a step by step approach toward understanding energy and matter.

Oxford English Dictionary (Abrv, OED)

OED: Energy: The capacity of matter or radiation to do work: The means of doing work by utilising matter or radiation.

OED: Matter, a *physical* substance in general as distinct from *mind and spirit*.

All things throughout the universe are made up of two primal things, physical matter and non-physical energy.

As such, matter could not do any work or exist without energy and energy could not do any work or exist without matter.

Physics: There must be an input of energy for there to be an output of energy.

The use of the words input and output determines that there is a vehicle of matter between the energy input and the energy output, and denotes as all matter is made up of particles, that particles of matter are intermediary transit vehicles of energy.

OED: Gravitation: A force of attraction between any particle of matter in the universe and any other”.

It is the input of energy into particles of matter that serves to fuel their motions and to supply their outputs of radiation to do work and to attract and gravitate toward one and any other particle of matter in the universe.

Quantum Energy And Matter

Every particle of matter of every celestial body throughout the universe requires an immediate and constant input of energy to fuel its motions and its outputs of radiant energy.

All celestial bodies are isolated within their immediate surrounding region of interstellar space, and as they and all of the particles of matter that go into the makeup of their structures require an immediate and constant input of energy to fuel their motions and supply their outputs of radiation.

So it follows that it is their immediate surrounding region of interstellar space, which is supplying all of their structures energy requirements, and the energy requirements of every particle of matter that goes into their structures makeup.

And as such, this means that the energy incoming from their immediate surrounding region of interstellar space is all-pervading as it fuels every single particle of their structures, and those of their centres of gravity.

Further confirmation that interstellar space is universally comprised of quantum (invisible) energy and quantum particles of matter.

Physics: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Space vehicles use of jet propulsion to travel through outer and interstellar space, however, propulsion could not take place without the presence of matter; because propulsion is reliant upon there being some form resistance present, for the propulsive factor to be converted into the power of thrust.

Sum: Universal (Interstellar) space is comprised of invisible quantum energy and invisible quantum particles of matter.

Universal quantum energy is the substance that fuels the motions of every particle of matter in the universe and acts between any particle of matter and any other in the universe.

OED: Mass. 1. A coherent body of matter of indefinite shape. 2. Physics. The quantity of matter a body contains. 3. Degree of consistency as measured by the quantity of mass per unit volume.

Energy is not matter (m)

Matter is not energy (e).

Energy does not equal (m) mass.

Matter does not equal (e) energy.

OED: Density: The degree of compactness of a substance (Author: a substance of physical matter, as opposed to energy which is an unknown non-physical substance which gives motion to matter).

Matter without energy is simply matter.
Matter + Energy = Attraction & Repulsion

The density of matter present within a particle or body of matter determines the quantity of energy present, which determines the power of gravitational attraction exerted.

The sum of the two forces of gravitational attraction acting between any two particles or two bodies of matter determines their speed of acceleration toward one another.

Weight is the sum of the amount of gravitational attraction (Pull) being exerted from the centre of gravity of body at rest on the ground, and the amount of gravitational attraction (pull) being exerted from the centre of gravity of the Earth.

OED: Matter, a *physical* substance in general as distinct from *mind and spirit*.

The Universe is made up of three things
An invisible substance called energy (Positive Neutral and Negative), whose presence is only felt and made apparent by its motion and its exertions of attractive (pull – retraction) force and repulsive (push - impressive) force acting through matter.
And at a higher level, in the form of its electromagnetic particulate interactions, which produce e.g. heat, fire, lightning, electromagnetism (as with permanent and electromagnets), electricity, locomotion and light.
Particles of matter and solid matter which is made up of particles of matter, the particles serving either individually or in their multiplicities, as the intermediary vehicle for the transit of energy through a medium or a body of matter.

Metaphysical (Mind and Spirit) energy which is invisible and none detectable, but it is the source of all of our thoughts our dreams and our considerations, without which we and creation would not exist.
