Freedom?! #mytwocents

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Agreed. Anybody in my family who don't go with the flow of family abuse, religious abuse, unnecessary drama, and telling lies to look good are called crazy which I'll gladly take that title. Also I learned last week I was deceived about the "Spare the rod, spoil the child" scripture. I always felt deep in my heart that scripture had nothing to do with beating children into submission and beatings are contrary to the essence of God. Back in the Bible times, shepherds carried rods to GUIDE sheep that wondered off the path expected of them. So spare the rod means we should GUIDE and not BEAT our children. But go into any black church and you'll hear an evil pastor bragging and his evil black congregation laughing in support about beating his dsyfunctional kids that are now dsfyunctional adults b/c they misused the "Spare the rod" scripture. Beating a child often (if child doesn't do the healing work) leads to so much inner turmoil and pain that prevents them from living a genuine normal and healthy life ... they can only pretend to do so.
