AI Sci-Fi Film Colossus: The Forbin Project Removed From All Streaming Platforms - WHY?

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We take a trip down conspiracy lane to answer the question: Why has the Universal Pictures 1970 sci-fi classic "Colossus the forbin project" about artificial intelligence gone rogue been removed from all streaming and VOD platforms across the internet?

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The classic 1970 sci-fi film tells the story of Charles Forbin, a scientst who creates an AI "super computer" that is capable of independently controlling the U.S. national defense. But his dream becomes a stunning nightmare when it's discovered the Russians have built an equally sophisticated computer and that these two "doomsday machines", have linked and joined forces to rule over humanity.
The film was available on several streaming platforms as of six months ago but has since been quietly removed, so in this video we show you the reciepts and ask the question: why?
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Cult classic Sci-Fi AI Horror film about a rogue military robot PULLED from all streaming platforms.


I remember when this movie first came out. My father, who was a NASA engineer dabbling in AI in the 60s and early 70s, quipped that any computer he built would have a single power plug.


The kid with the Colossus T-Shirt was an understated prescient moment in the film. It is exactly how marketing works in the real world and the film got that so right.


The Forbin Project is one of my favorite movies, he deserves to be better known.


I own this on DVD. Physical media is the way to go I don't rely on streaming.


This is why physical media is more important than ever. Years ago, my friends told me to get into streaming services cuz I wouldn't have to buy blurays anymore cuz they could be saved _in the cloud._ Every one of them have complained to me over the years that movies and TV shows they had "bought" were no longer available. I told them, "I guess you really didn't buy it then, huh?"

Oh---physical media is now disappearing.

Best Buy no longer sells movies.

Target and Walmart have said they are considering dropping movie sales.


This is one of my favorite sci fi movies. First saw it in a theater when released in 1970 (ya, showing my age). Haunted me ever since. Thankfully I bought the DVD a few years ago. This situation is very interesting.


This film was broadcast on Ireland's TG4 channel in 1999 and ended up being the most watched programme on Irish TV in the week it was transmitted.

The film may have been removed from streaming because of the whole flak about artificial intelligence destroying humanity.


I can't believe I found this video. Thank you. About a year or 14 months ago the same thing happened to me. I had an itch to watch Colossus but not finding it on Netflix was the beginning of a crazy trip down a rabbit hole. I eventually did find it on some kind of weird archive site [can't recall the name but will update this comment if I remember]. The movie was cheesier than I recall but still a great story. I don't want to give away any spoilers but there's something that happens at the end of the film that I had forgotten about and put a whole new spin on it for me, not to mention its parallels with Douglas Adams Life, the Universe, and Everything.


This movie was ahead of it's time. Centrally movie was warning. We can destroy our selves with our own technology & aggroance.


maybe the AI has removed it from the list


The Forbin Project is on the Internet Archive, watchable in full for free (legally).


In a similar film in the 50s, "The Invisible Boy", an AI spends 11 years suggesting mods which ultimately allow it to launch itself into orbit and rule the world from there.


Funny. Every time Eric Braeden appears on TV, my wife shouts "Victor!" while I simultaneously shout "Dr. Forbin!".


I'd like to see someone make films of the entire Colossus trilogy (yes, it's a trilogy).


Did you know that there are 2 more novels about the further adventures of Colossus. "Colossus and the Crab" and the "The Fall of Colossus". It's possible that a trilogy of sequels could be filmed and released.


I just checked my VUDU account. I had added this to my collection several years ago.

It’s gone. And I paid money for this title.

Now I’m trying to figure out how to either get the title back or get my money back.

I’ve been wondering about the durability of digital movie lockers. This action puts my whole collection at risk of similar actions by studios in the future.


I bought it on Blu-ray and enjoyed watching it. It is a well-made and thoughtful small-budget science fiction movie. Recommended and very relevant.


I have seen this movie a few times. Outstanding and ahead of its time. Similar concept to War Games. I, like you, just searched to see if I could watch again. Enjoyed your video. Please no remake, let us watch the original.


I have a copy of the movie and the book plus the two sequel books.
It has been a favourite of mine for many years. A 70's version of Skynet
