**snoof snoof snoof sneef snoof sneef sneef* williamgrand
**snoof snoof snoof sneef snoof sneef sneef*
Who Knew the “Ugliest animals” according to society could be so Dang adorable NopeWontsay
Who Knew the “Ugliest animals” according to society could be so Dang adorable
I think I'm falling in love with aardvarks thelavenderprince
I think I'm falling in love with aardvarks
Oh look, it's me when grandma invited me to dinner Maverickgrindstar
Oh look, it's me when grandma invited me to dinner
That guy got a long trunk and that is really really cool thenorseguy
That guy got a long trunk and that is really really cool
This guy gives me hoarking borzoi vibes😂 chromicapop
This guy gives me hoarking borzoi vibes😂
Dog=ardvark nose Elephant=ardvark nose Grandpa=nose hair brandeegreen
Dog=ardvark nose Elephant=ardvark nose Grandpa=nose hair
I love aardvarks! They are so awkwardly adorable! Sniffy monster! jenniferbrdar
I love aardvarks! They are so awkwardly adorable! Sniffy monster!
I've been online most of my life, this is the first time seeing a close up of this animal with sound!. coffeepot
I've been online most of my life, this is the first time seeing a close up of this animal with sound!.
Who told me that its snout was like that dog meme and... it was my brain Cold-xb
Who told me that its snout was like that dog meme and... it was my brain
I love the slow mo sniff so much haha. Like it just HAS to sniff so deeply haha. tmannintendo
I love the slow mo sniff so much haha. Like it just HAS to sniff so deeply haha.
He really looks like a prehistoric animal, the in-between form between hoowed and not-howed species. So unique! juliabe
He really looks like a prehistoric animal, the in-between form between hoowed and not-howed species. So unique!
The first video on youtube is recorded here tutoroblox-isef
The first video on youtube is recorded here
When you love what you sniff, you'll never work a day in your life. bruceleroy
When you love what you sniff, you'll never work a day in your life.
If you're an aardvark, nobody cares if your nose hairs need a trim 😂. Cute critters! bethb
If you're an aardvark, nobody cares if your nose hairs need a trim 😂. Cute critters!
Hello, if you find a unwell mother wildlife is it ok to allow her to sleep while regaining her strength? She’s nocturnal with babies. nickki_
Hello, if you find a unwell mother wildlife is it ok to allow her to sleep while regaining her strength? She’s nocturnal with babies.
Can u reply to this comment if u see this? carolinec
Can u reply to this comment if u see this?