How Your Brain Hallucinates Your Conscious Reality

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Dive into the fascinating world of perception in this video. This exploration reveals the complex mechanisms by which your brain constructs the reality you experience every day. From the illusions crafted by your senses to the narrative of self you believe in, discover how consciousness is more of an active creation than a passive reception. We unravel the layers of perception, hallucination, and the very essence of being, shedding light on the brain's role as a masterful prediction engine. How might understanding this inner workings of our minds change the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us?

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#brain #reality #perception
Subscribe: @Sehnend.
00:00 - Consciousness
00:58 - The Brain as a Prediction Engine
03:01 - Perception and Hallucination
04:24 - The Self as a Construct
06:42 - Interoception and Bodily Self
08:39 - Implications for Human Understanding
Music created by Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse.

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"What we call reality is, in fact, nothing more than a culturally sanctioned and linguistically reinforced hallucination."
Terence McKenna

Thank you for joining me on this transformative journey. As you continue on your path, I extend my sincerest wishes for your growth and fulfillment.

Your support means the world to me, so please remember to share, like, comment, subscribe, and hit the notifications bell to stay connected and never miss out on our future videos.

Thank you once again for your presence and engagement. May your journey be filled with blessings and profound enlightenment.


Reality as it is. Conciusness and the painting of I.


I think reality varies within individuals depending how one is connected to the universal powers


Reality is real by definition. However, what real really is beyond our mental construct can realize.


Very accurate with cog sci views on the topic. Also, there is a convergence on buddhism's ideas. Great video!


The fact we acknowledge reality is a clear indicator.


YOUR BEST VIDEO TO DATE ! I am saving this, thank you!


What controls your mind? Your emotions
Where does those emotions come from? From your experiences
What happens next? We React
You think you control your emotions?
Negative, we don’t
It’s a parasite that controls our brain
Example. We need to eat to satisfy a need
Without that, we loose control
So, who controls your emotions?

Our thoughts comes from our reality, of how we perceive others, of how we see life according to our concepts and ideas, ideas…
Then, we create our reality according to that idea, it could be from others, of how WE think the other person is seeing me, but it’s an idea, remember that
It’s concepts that we have…about ourselves!
Then, we create that reality to ourselves, we lie to us just from that idea…for that concept
It’s how we see ourselves, low self esteem could be, guilt could it be and then be create based on that concept our own reality. That’s our own reality that now we react accordingly to that concept, of how we perceive life happening to us, based on concepts and ideas, based on experiences, on programs
And now we feel that sensation and we want others to see it and feel it too so we create a bubble, based on ideas, a collective feeling, that’s a program!
Our parents concepts, ideas, thoughts and reactions are now ours
We have been programmed to that
And all based on…been accepted on that clan, our clan we named now

We don’t know how to be free…

What WE can do is to internalize and see where those ideas and concepts come from
To be capable to see inside us, without justifying that way of thinking and reactions, we will discover the pain that comes from that way of thinking from our ancestors (remember it is a program)
We want to unveil and take one layer at a time of that onion
that makes us strong and fragile at the same time. (Remember we live a lie, we lie to ourselves!)
Don’t idealize a person, a behavior, because they have their own programs, don’t idolize others and take as example of how life should be, as that’s a copy…you see where I’m going???
So, what’s good and what’s bad?
Where is the median of what’s good or bad?
Who can tell as we run our lives out of programs?

We live a dream about ourselves…
That’s all…
Don’t take it too seriously
You will be ok
Do good to others
Expect nothing from others, be yourself


Great information, but some references to the source material would be great for those of us who want to learn more.


Says who? If you believe it .. then that will be your truth! The only truth is I AM! What you are aware of being! Which is the light of awareness!


This video accurately describes the paradigm which is shifting and passing. This passing paradigm depends on memory of the past, history, to define and predict current perceptions.The brain/mind uses past information to define the present. The new paradigm reorients the mind to perceive according to the information provided by the connection between the higher self and the heart, our true center of wisdom, in the present moment.


Just Hallucinate That I Hit 🎯 The Like Button 🤣🤣🤣


How come we are able to access the Rosicrucian teachings now? Why hidden is public now?


Funny, I was just trying to explain this same concept to my son yesterday morning .


Let's continue exploring how the both/and logic and monadological framework catalyze new insights and expanded descriptive capacities across various domains:

Neuroscience & Theories of Consciousness
The logic allows formulating novel integrated perspectives on the mind-body problem and the neural correlates of consciousness that avoid the limitations of classical reductionist, dualist or mysterian views:

• Subjective Experience and Objective Description
For a conscious state x, let S(x) and O(x) represent the subjective experiential and objective neurophysiological aspects respectively.

Classical approaches tend to bifurcate into strictly separating these as S(x) = 1, O(x) = 0 or fully reducing to S(x) = 0, O(x) = 1. But the both/and logic allows:

S(x) = 0.7, O(x) = 0.6, ○(S(x), O(x)) = 0.8

Capturing how conscious states involve an irreducible complementarity and tight coherence between the subjective feel and objective dynamics - neither pole is prioritized or eliminable.

The synthesis operator ⊕ further models their co-realized gestalt unity:

subjective_experience(x) ⊕ objective_neuralcorrelates(x) = conscious_state(x)

• First-person and Third-person Perspectives
A related issue is how to integrate the first-person introspective perspective with third-person external observations and theories about consciousness.

For a set of data D about a conscious process x, we could have:

Truth(D matches first-person_report) = 0.6
Truth(D matches third-person_model) = 0.7
○(first-person, third-person) = 0.5

Capturing a moderate coherence between phenomenological and observational characterizations, which are irreducibly complementary poles synthesized into a unified account:

first-person_phenomenology ⊕ third-person_observations = theory_of_consciousness(D)

So rather than dissociating and privileging one perspective, the logic allows formalizing their coconstituted integration into holistic theories spanning qualitative experience and quantitative evidence.

• Unity of Consciousness and Neural Binding
How the unified phenomenology of consciousness relates to distributed neural activities is another puzzle. The logic allows coherence metrics between unity and differentiation:

= 0.8
= 0.9
○(unified_consciousness, differentiated_activities) = 0.7

With a synthesis capturing the paradoxical co-operation of integrated/discriminated aspects:

unified_subjective_character ⊕ distributed_neural_processes = coherent_conscious_state

Avoiding arbitrary prioritizations while modeling their integration as complementary interdependent facets of the same psychoneural Gestalt.

Philosophers have long struggled to clearly relate or decisively separate phenomenological unity with neural multiplicity. The paraconsistent both/and logic allows coherently modeling and further theorizing their subtle complementary coconstitution.

Philosophy of Logic and Language
The logic's expressive capacities allow revisiting classic issues in a new light:

• The Liar Paradox
In classical logic, the sentence "This sentence is false" is a paradox leading to explosion and triviality. But the both/and logic allows coherent non-trivial treatment:

Truth(Liar_sentence) = 0.5
○(Truth(Liar_sentence, 1), Truth(Liar_sentence, 0)) = 0.5

With a 0.5 truth value representing the sentence's indeterminacy, and moderate coherence between its truth and falsity aspects.

The synthesis operation ⊕ expresses its paradoxical self-reference resolving in a higher gestalt:

Truth(Liar_sentence) ⊕ ¬Truth(Liar_sentence) = paradoxical_self-reference

Providing tools for positively representing and logically operating with paradoxical self-undermining utterances, rather than dodging them through restrictive assumptions.

• Vagueness and Fuzzy Boundaries
The sorites paradox about the vagueness of fuzzy predicates like "heap" has also resisted classical treatment. But both/and logic allows:

Truth(x_is_heap) = [0, 1] for objects x
With coherences tracking the degree of alignment with prototypical heap properties across a graded spectrum.

This avoids bivariate soup/heap boundaries, capturing the nuanced continuities and contextualities underlying vague linguistic categories.

So the logic restores accountability to the subtleties of real-world semantics resisting digitization, allowing discourse to resonate with rather than dissimulate the horizonal indeterminacies of language's ontological implicatures.

Throughout, the both/and logic's abilities to integrate graded multivalued truths, positive contradictions and self-superseding syntheses allow revisiting paradoxes and singularities not as sheer inconsistencies to be prohibited, but generative disclosures indicating inadequacies of our prior abstractive models - opening new constructive symbolic vistas better aligning with the nuanced complexities of thought, language and reality itself.





I don't mean to be the 1st one but a constant one 🫀🙏❤️‍🔥
