Bringing Provenance to All of Open Source: Lessons from Npm’s... - Trevor Rosen & Zach Steindler

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Bringing Provenance to All of Open Source: Lessons from Npm’s Sigstore Integration - Trevor Rosen & Zach Steindler, GitHub / npm

npm is the largest package registry on the internet, serving over 70 billion packages per month and acting as the de facto standard package system for Javascript, the world’s largest OSS ecosystem by lines of code. It suffers from the basic problem all registries have: there’s no verifiable link from a package back to its source code and build process. To solve this problem, npm is integrating with Sigstore’s open source libraries and public good servers, to securely communicate npm package provenance from your build system to the registry and make it available for verification with npm CLI. During this work, a bunch of interesting questions came up: What does it mean for a build process to be secure? Can we trust packages without verifying every developer’s identity? Does our approach work for other package ecosystems? This talk will take you inside arguably the most ambitious and impactful effort happening in software supply chain security today and offer some fundamental (and maybe controversial!) opinions about what’s needed for package provenance across all of open source.
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