Styrofoam Bricks DIY

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Learn how to recycle styrofoam into light weight usable bricks. Great project for co-ops, start a small business and help clean up the environment at the same time!
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Some advice from a man who was a brick layer for 20 years. Add some sand, perhaps; 5 styro, 1 cement and 1 sand. This will give your bricks more strength and make the finish smoother. As has been mentioned already, a better mould (form work) will make a better job, I suggest a metal box, maybe 1.2 millimeter steel (1/8th inch American) with a base of the same material. Your big mistake is removing the bricks from the form work too soon (Far too soon) If you coat (paint) the inside of your form work with old cooking oil, then leave the bricks to dry till the next day, you can just bang them out upside down. Lastly, you will not be able to build occupation rated buildings. (ie: places where people will live or sleep) Building bricks must have by law a 2 hour fire rating. They must withstand a fire for 2 hours minimum before they disintegrate. Your bricks will not only burn quickly, they will intensify the fire and release poisonous fumes. But, garden planters, garden beds, garden borders etc, I think you have a great idea for any non fireproof building...


“The kids complain, the motor doesn’t” lol you’re classic, my friend.


moved your mixing tub at 1:15 into the catch position at the shredder. I saw you bag the fuzz, scoop the fuzz into buckets, then drop the buckets into the tub.

That us a lot of work, instead of just dropping fuzz directly into the mix tub.
To measure volume, do it systemically. Either weigh the foam pre chop, or Mark a line in the tub. Your volume will be uniform, and your work system reduces work activity, while producing uniform results.


One thing to consider, if you haven't already, is to build your forms using a better grade of material.  If you use a smooth material, such as Melamine surfaced plywood, the forms will come off much easier and you won't get the broken corners like I saw in your video.  Melamine came to mind but there are plenty of other choices.  Perhaps lining your forms with plastic sheet or left over Formica sheets.  By the way, I think the idea of styrofoam bricks is a good one.


Yours is a great idea that should hold up over time.I built a small post and beam shop  in the woods behind my house in 1984.  I used plastic packing  beads, vermiculite, sand  and Portland Cement as a light weight concrete to in fill the space between the timbers. This material has held up very well through all kinds of weather, rain, snow, and many freeze-thaw cycles with no signs of wear in all that time.


“We used to have a bicycle but the kids complained, the motor doesn’t complain” love it. Im currently using a cheese grater as don’t have the know how to make that contraption. But its okay, my project is much smaller. Thoroughly enjoyed this video


Bloody brilliant!!! Absolutely BRILLIANT! Clear...concise instructions! THANK YOU! Thank you & in case I didn’t say it enough...THANK YOU! Gail Plymouth uk


I agree. A 4 hand job is way better than a 2 hand job. You said it sir


I need to make bricks that I can use for movie props and this is exactly what I need! thank you!


I just can't believe nobody catch on the super hight piece of technology :) Nice video and useful to make a wall less heavy, thanks.


Thanks for sharing this solution. I loved the grinder you made.


Waste not, want not . . . Great idea, top video.


50% silica type sand can help in binding and I have used this with a 5 (Styrofoam 2cm-)-4 (vermiculite 2cm-) --1(mortar-sand lime cement) for a trowel on mortar mix thick stucco (4" or 10cm) with a 9 gauge steel galvanized 10cm square backing panel, tin backside the maximum slump level was about 18" (40cm) with an open face. It sets well in a day and cures in 3. this mic can also be used to patch holes in formed concrete that has a roughed surface. over 86*F (34*C) I would recommend a plastic cover for a day. Probably could make bricks from this also, but the cure time would be a day before removal from the form.


I think the idea is a great basis for a more solid and lighter prefab wall. Thanks


Few Suggestion. If there was a way to increase the size of styrofoam pieces to say 1/2" and adding of sand and more effort on mold can give good result.
At the time of laying, if each brick is dipped in cement slurry with URP added, the resultant wall will be more safe for health.


Just wondering, what if you added a bit of sand to the mixture? I imagine it would help the cement bond better and help the brick be quite a bit stronger. Also, it may help in the form making.


Thank you for sharing this great recycle ideas. I am going to try for my cement pot!


I was thinking to encase the styrofoam brick in a separate pure cement to have a neater, heavier, more robust brick that would hold up better to the elements and animals and such. Cool and informative indeed. Cheers.


Excellent instruction: would this mixture make a bigger stepping stone - like 3'x3' x 3 in thck?


Great idea for decorative elements, blocks, bricks, small pots...