My Soul Will Wait (Psalm 62) • Official Video

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Official Video | Sovereign Grace Music
Written by Keaton Bunting and Bob Kauflin
From the album Unchanging God: Songs From the Book of Psalms, Volume 1

Waiting can be draining and discouraging. But Psalm 62 tells us we can wait for the Lord with confidence, joy, and expectation. As we pour out our hearts to the Lord, even in our darkest seasons, we know he will ever be our perfect Savior and strong defender.

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Vocalist: Lisa Clow
Directed by Lance Cashwell

When the enemy surrounds and my heart grows faint within
When the darkness overwhelms and my fears are pressing in
I will trust in You, O Lord, in the silence I will wait
I will stand upon Your Word

You’re my solid rock and my salvation
My steadfast hope that won’t be shaken
My soul will wait, my soul will wait for You

You’re my stronghold and my shield in the midst of every threat
Though the wicked never yield, they will vanish like a breath
Yes, I know the outcome’s sure, Satan’s evil plans will fail
In Your power I’m secure

You’re my solid rock and my salvation
My steadfast hope that won’t be shaken
My soul will wait, my soul will wait for You
You’re my comfort when I feel forsaken
My refuge and my sure foundation
My soul will wait, my soul will wait for You

This is love I can’t explain, this is mercy unreserved
Through Your sacrifice so great, I have peace that’s undeserved
For the battle has been won, and I fear no shame or loss
Now the sting of death is gone

Pouring out our hearts before You
We will trust in You
Perfect Savior, strong defender
We will trust in You

#mysoulwillwait #unchanginggod #sovereigngracemusic
Рекомендации по теме

Thankyou Sovereign Grace. This is “my” Psalm. I became a widow at the age of 29. Verse 8 of psalm 62 says to “Pour out your heart before Him, God is a refuge for us.” So that’s what I did, continually poured it all out to Him who heals and delivers. That was 27 years ago and I am a grandmother now who sees what this world is becoming and needed reminded of these words from our Father. Thank you for reminding me through this beautiful song. God bless you!


thank you very much for this song. now it is a strong encouragement. I am from Ukraine, from a country where there is brutal shelling from Russia. I know that in God our help, our strength. but I ask all Christians to pray for Ukraine. very fierce fighting and there are many dead. I believe that the prayer of the righteous can do much! Thank you!


What a blessing this song at 12:45 in the night. My life is a bit in disarray. I am broken yet I've come to learn of the sure foundation that is in Christ after years of thinking salvation can be lost. I was so scared of being damned to hell yet so apathetic toward my sin. In my darkest night, there is no way I could've found Him. He found me.


Sovereign Grace Music doesn’t disappoint! Thank you for always being biblical and Christ-centered! I love you guys!


When the enemy surrounds and my heart grows faint within
When the darkness overwhelms and my fears are pressing in
I will trust in You, O Lord, in the silence I will wait
I will stand upon Your Word
You’re my solid rock and my salvation
My steadfast hope that won’t be shaken
My soul will wait; my soul will wait for You
Your my stronghold and my shield in the midst of every threat
Though the wicked never yield, they will vanish like a breath
Yes, I know the outcome’s sure; Satan’s evil plans will fail
In Your power I’m secure
You’re my solid rock and my salvation
My steadfast hope that won’t be shaken
My soul will wait, my soul will wait for You
You’re my comfort when I feel forsaken
My refuge and my sure foundation
My soul will wait; my soul will wait for You
This is love I can’t explain, this is mercy unreserved
Through Your sacrifice so great, I have peace That’s undeserved
For the battle has been won, and I fear no shame or loss
Now the sting of death is gone
You’re my solid rock and my salvation
My steadfast hope that won’t be shaken
My soul will wait; my soul will wait for You
You’re my comfort when I feel forsaken
My refuge and my sure foundation
My soul will wait; my soul will wait for You
Pouring out our hearts before You
We will trust in You
Perfect Savior, strong defender
We will trust in You


Its really wonderful to see young people lifting up the Lord.


Help me to wait for You to show me your perfect will, my Lord and Saviour.


I wish to thank you for sharing this Christian music video with me . Amen


"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.." - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17


Christ is my saviour, my salvation, the rock of my heart, my foundation


God centered, Gospel saturated, Christ exalting songs!
I Praise God for your Ministry Sovereign grace Music.


The important of singing scriptures back to the Lord! Wow


Praise the Lord for the song makes me feel better stronger more comfortable after I lost my properties, shifted to new place, lost my daughter who was suffering from cancer her only daughter is autism child. Thanks to the singer and the team. God bless.


"You’re my stronghold and my shield in the midst of every threat..Perfect Savior, strong defender we will trust in You"! Amen! Such a beautiful scriptural song! God bless!🙏


This song lifts my spirit and I rejoice in every word, all honor to the King!!


Thank you Sovereign Grace for producing great worship music that is truly BIBLICAL! ✝️🙏💜


"You're my solid rock and my salvation! My soul will wait, my soul will wait for You!" 🙌❤ #Wonderful!!


1 For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. 3 How long will all of you attack a man to batter him, like a leaning wall, a tottering fence? 4 They only plan to thrust him down from his high position. They take pleasure in falsehood. They bless with their mouths, but inwardly they curse. Selah (Psalm 62:1-4, ESV)


Christian Music is the music of My life


May the earth be filled with the grace of our God. 🙌
