The Difficulty of Life For an INFJ Man - 5 Problems for INFJ Men

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Each one of us has challenges in life. However, the difficulty of life for an INFJ man is arguably the most intense. These 5 problems for INFJ men are specific for an INFJ male because of their unique personality and the fact they really are different than most other guys.

INFJ personalities are often left feeling like they don't fit in with everyone else. They have difficulty understanding how other people think but instead understand how they feel, which can lead to self-doubt and feelings of isolation from the world around them
INFJ males experience even more struggles than their female counterparts because being different is seen as something negative rather than just another personality trait..

Every INFJ male has the unique honor of possessing the rarest personality type. If you're an INFJ man, or if you know one, you might wonder if that's something to celebrate. Being an INFJ man can be considered as both a blessing and a burden which is why today I am going to talk about 5 problems INFJ Male constantly face.


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0:00 Intro
0:25 The Unique INFJ Man
1:07 INFJ Male Self Worth
2:48 INFJ Men Balance
4:48 INFJ Male Invisibility
6:43 INFJ Male Development
8:17 INFJ Male Intensity
9:20 INFJ Passion


Success For Breakfast was created to be a channel that makes simple-to-follow videos giving you the tools to live your best life and help in your personal growth journey. There are a lot of little pieces that add up to the bigger “whole” picture of what you envision for your best life and what success looks like for you - so I am creating videos hitting on all of those subjects. From financial tips, relationships, and happiness to psychological tips, personal development, and even productivity advice. Brain food to give you the best possible chance to level up and love your life in all areas.

We all know that a strong mindset and good mental health is the key to success, and to take control of your life, but there are many different ways to get there. It is not just motivation and affirmations, although those are important. For me, it was also about psychology, understanding myself, and knowing why I did things a certain way. It was also about meditating and learning about manifesting and the law of attraction, and of course how to be and stay motivated.

I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!

-Success 4 Breakfast


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DISCLAIMER - This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but for general guidance. Please do not take this feedback as an attack on your character. This video was meant to be a self-improvement guide for those of you who have been feeling a little stuck. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

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What are your thoughts on these problems INFJ men constantly face? Leave a comment and let me know.

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I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!


When I stopped caring about what others thought of me many of these problems went away :) Know thy self and have the courage to show that authenticity! They say you attract what you are. Much respect for my fellow INFJers!


Hey fellow INFJs, what we have is a blessing and a curse. There are times when I feel grateful for the personality I have, whenever I look at all the naivity and immaturity around me, but I often feel frustrated, tired, angry, sad, depressed due to being constantly misunderstood while making others understand. Be strong, keep striving for righteousness.


I’m a 65 year old INFJ male. I’ve definitely experienced all 5 issues listed. Always felt like a square peg being forced into a round hole. I joined the Army, served in a combat arms unit in Germany during the Cold War, and grew up a lot, back in the day. Luckily, I stumbled into a fulfilling creative career in government radio/ TV production and print journalism, where I was paid to have fun. It has taken me many, many years to accept that I am different than the majority of humans on the planet, and that that is perfectly OK.


I can't stand being micromanaged, I work alone and have confidence in my job and don't need to be constantly checked on. As a Cat Scan tech of 20 years I always gravitated towards working at night when all the bosses are gone. I don't believe in black and white rules but know how to adapt to situations and think outside the box. This is why it was so hard for me working with others who are strictly by the book and can't seem to think outside the box and adapt. I only have one friend, my best friend, my wife. I don't need other friends as I have such a deep connection to my wife and kids. These are just some of the things I have experienced as an INFJ Advocate.


the difficulty is when you are targeted by narcisists or sociopaths that pretend to be your best friend or partner and they slowly manipulating you, and finds it very hard to stop that relationships because you think they needs help. Its vicious cycle that slowly eats you away


I am 65 and have found that being an INFJ has sent more women getting away from me sooner rather than later. Being seen as someone without social skills. Because we hate play acting in human interaction and to me that is about 95% of social skills. Also as mentioned we generally don't care for mindless prattling about surface issues. We come across as too intense and that scares people off. But on the other hand I can see times where I have built my own wall to fend off people, sometimes for dubious reasons, and that results in loneliness. In general we like alone time. But as the years go by it really can take a toll on a person to be alone way too much. It is accurate that these things are both a blessing and a curse.


These all hit home for me. Love seeing INFJ’s in the comments lol. I was miserable in much of my 20’s pursuing a career in medical sales. I was successful, but completely miserable. It wasn’t until COVID happened, I lost out on a job interview, my sales numbers tanked, and I had back surgery when I finally decided to be creative. I went to an open mic comedy night, and I haven’t stopped doing it since. I think Standup is a great relief for INFJs because you get rewarded with laughter if you’re authentic. And you feel brave and seen/heard. If anyone out there is struggling to find a meaningful creative outlet, Standup is amazing.


As a INFJ, I used to struggle a lot with all this... hated every single job I had up until now. I was always a loner, but I love photography and traveling. So I just decided to use my extroverted side, grab both my passions, and became a tour guide on my own. Now I get the chance of doing what I love, plus I have the chance of showing my clients my prespective of the world. Turns out, they love it... I used to feel so misunderstood all the time, now, everytime I realize people just don't understand me, all I think is, "boy, you're limited..." and just move on... I found out I was an INFJ 2 years ago... I struggled to understand how different I was... weirdo, like everyone else used to call me, but suddenly everything just made perfect sence. I wasn't weird anymore, just different... maybe better. So I just decided to use the best traits I have, both my passions and my weirdness, and made it my profession... So don't give up. Eventually you'll find out how to use your "weirdness" and just be happy with who you are.. always remember, you're unique... they're not... ;)


I’m 74 years old and I agree 1000%, and I am so happy that I didn’t allow anyone to completely change me, but it was a long hard road, and yes I’m still loving the ride, thanks for the information ℹ️.


Video hits the nail on the head. I'm sadly a depressed INFJ which is the worst. I'm constantly in a urge and feeling restless
to do great things but the drive just isn't really there anymore to actually do so and take steps.


i was always sensitive and was often ashamed growing up. Always fought the sensitivity . Acted tough etc.. But alsodid combat sports and joined the military. All against my nature but got through it and it really added to my persona and balanced me out. Now with 33, often not being the smallest guy in the room and with some skills and experience, i can fully display my sensitivity and often even admit it openly, simply because i did typical man stuff too and i am able to do it and people can see that. I still keep fit but really got back to writing poems😂


I'm an INTJ woman married to an INFJ man. He is the most exceptional person I know.
I have huge respect for the INFJ personality type. I wish there were more of you in the world.


Thank you, INFJ brothers, for sharing yourself in the comments. We INFJs are private people, so to hear about your childhoods, relationship struggled, inner demons, and ambitions is an honor. I'm reading as many comments as I can, all the way through, no matter how long. For what it's worth, I just wanted to say I see you, or at least the part of you you chose to share.


You're right on target in this video. INFJ males have a balance of both male and female consciousness. This causes the extroverted people to see us as unmanly. There is no evidence that this is a reflection of our sexuality. It has been said that we are a strange combination of romantic/dirty minded in outlook. I can't argue with this. At the same time our compassionate demeanor is seen as a female trait. As a professional counselor I have often been addressed as "mam" by clients and even people on the phone whom I have never met in person. This used to upset me, but now I understand it as the natural confusion people experience from the demeanor of a man who is so calm and supportive. Though I can be assertive, this is not my default presentation.

I have no need to exert a competitive or dominate appearance, so this is not considered "normal." I normally love and admire women as independent beings, in a way that is different from other, more typical men. I admit the "strangeness" of this type of maleness. It seemed strange to me as well. before I came to understand my typology.


As a 21 year old infj I found a job as a flight attendant and found some interesting conversation among passengers as well as pilots, found out a good percentage of pilots are introverts that just love looking at the world from a unique angle and question alot of what life throws at them, decided that being a pilot was what I wanted to do after doing a discovery flight and enlisting in the airforce to get my training paid for, it’s unique and I feel like I can get to a respected and prestigious job as well as making enough to change the lives of seemingly random people if I’m able to allocate my funds properly into the right investments. In addition to a lot of other stuff I want to do, I feel like flying fuels my escapism and when I fly it is just so peaceful, being in control and at the will of god/nature. It’s interesting


My father is an INFJ male, and I'm an INFJ female, so you must imagine my chilhood was very interesting... when i was growing up i realized my father was somewhat different from other fathers and, because i could relate with him whe ended up bonding a lot or fighting a lot... Something i notice was that he was very interested in working with new creative projects at his workplace, he was never satisfied with a 'boring' work. Also, our interests and way of thinking are so alike that my relatives would call me his "girly and smaller version". That being said, I know my father can be too emotional over some things and hard to deal with sometimes, but i love him and i wouldn't change him for anything in this world.


ALL of these hit hard, but the toxic shame is deep in my world.


65 year old INFJ male. Growing up we were never exposed this this type of explanation to how we behaved, older males like me will probaly agree that we were considered feminine so we didn't fit into the boys club. It is only within the last several months that I have come to understand who I am and why I did the things I did. 40 years of codependent relationships always taking on the persona of my partner so that I could please them but never pleasing my self. I would never allow my inner self to change, I alwys swore I would never be like them. All of this information is fascinating even if I am coming late to the party I still have many years ahead.


I can relate to this, definitely. I was bullied and ridiculed as a child and have often felt out of sync with my peers. I had great difficulty choosing a career, but I thankfully have a satisfying one now. Life is making a lot more sense to me because of videos like this.
