Introduction to Maven - Lecture 1

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Hello Everyone,

Welcome once again to our channel PrinceAutomationDestination. Today we are going to start a new Series on Maven.

What is Maven? : Maven is build tool widely used by Java Developers and Automation testers to automate dependency Management, compiling source code, testing source code, packaging source code in to jar and deploy the jar on servers.

Core components of Maven:

3. Build Life Cycle, Phases and Goals: Maven build process is divided in to 3 build life cycles: default, clean and site. Each cycle has different build phase and each build phase can have goals.

4. Plugins: Maven in plugin execution Framework i.e. In Maven everything is done by plugins and maven is used to trigger those plugins. Example: clean, compiler, surefire these are the plugins which maven triggers

5. Profiles:
Build profiles are used to build the project in different ways.

Next we will discuss about How to install Maven in Windows machine.

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Good to see maven series... Also waiting for next video of Gitlab series❤
