CraZy III (Insane Demon) - by DavJT
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Easily one of the best levels to come out this year. The decoration is nothing short of a masterpiece and the gameplay is pretty good too. However, my experience with the gameplay managed to not be ideal. I think slow and long levels aren't suited to my taste so it got pretty boring and frustrating after a while. I still really recommend you try this out though, as most who beat it find it to be a fantastic level. I still do, don't get me wrong, but I wish my experience with it was better.
Rating: Insane Demon
My Rating: Insane Demon
Total Attempts: 1059
Enjoyment: 60/100
Hardest Part:
Worst Fail: 96% llololol
Placement on Insane Demon List: Pending
My Placement: 50-60 maybe who knows
Rating: Insane Demon
My Rating: Insane Demon
Total Attempts: 1059
Enjoyment: 60/100
Hardest Part:
Worst Fail: 96% llololol
Placement on Insane Demon List: Pending
My Placement: 50-60 maybe who knows