Thousands in Central Park panic after barrier collapse I DECENT NEWS I

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NEW YORK — Fearing possible gunshots, it took only the collapse of a police barrier at a politically charged New York celebrity music show Saturday to send thousands of spectators fleeing in panic.
About 60,000 people had filled the park's Great Lawn for the eight-hour Global Citizen Festival. They listened to big-name personalities from Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Republican Sen. Jeff Flake to Janet Jackson and John Legend who all urged spectators to get involved in the nation's troubled politics.
About 60,000 people had filled the park's Great Lawn for the eight-hour Global Citizen Festival. They listened to big-name personalities from Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Republican Sen. Jeff Flake to Janet Jackson and John Legend who all urged spectators to get involved in the nation's troubled politics.