Once Upon a December (Piano) // ANASTASIA

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"Far away, long ago, glowing dim as an ember, things my heart used to know, things it yearns to remember, and a song someone sings..."
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This song makes me so sad. Just knowing that its based on a real person and her family, who were sadly murdered, makes my heart hurt. Anastasia and the Romanov family did not deserve this end. RIP to Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarina Alexandra and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Alexei and, of course, Anastasia. You shall forever dance gracefully in my memory.


I remember as a kid, used to love this melody so much, always wanted to play it. Then I got in music school and I asked my teacher to teach me how to play this. She would always refuse. So I decided to learn it myself. Found notes and day by day, bit by bit, I did it. I had a concert, more like a competition. I had to play the melody me and my teacher were working on for so long. And when it was my turn, I went on the stage, smiled at my teacher, sat and played this instead. She was in shock and guess what, I took the first place ❤ I absolutely love this melody ❤💓


when you know the real story it s even more sadder


i think i can achieve learning this song, one like and i’ll start.
omg thank you all for the support☺️💘


Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings
Once upon a December


Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings,
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm,
Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory

Someone holds me safe and warm,
Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory.

Far away,
Long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember
And a song someone sings

Once upon a December


Can you believe Anatasia is becoming a Broadway musical I'm shook


I never realized how beautiful this song sounds in piano



No on at all:

Literally No on Earth:

Me: *imagining playing this at a concert with thousands of the best dressed people watching me in awe*

Also Me: i have no idea how to play any instrument...


This movie was honestly a MASTERPIECE! When I was a kid, I remember I use to come home every day and watch Anastasia, or the Aristicats!


My childhood, my lovestory with my mother when I was little
I want to cry it's so beautiful, this music is really, really beautiful


На всех языках есть, а на русском нет. А ведь фильм-то о русской истории...
Как узор на окне
Снова прошлое рядом,
Кто-то пел песню мне
В зимний вечер когда-то.
Словно в прошлом ожило
Чьих-то бережных рук тепло,
Вальс изысканных гостей
И бег лихих коней.
Вальс кружил и нёс меня,
Словно в сказку свою маня,
Первый бал и первый вальс
Звучат во мне сейчас.
Зеркала в янтаре
Мой восторг отражают,
Кто-то пел на заре
Дом родной покидая.
Будешь ты в декабре
Вновь со мной дорогая…


I. Cannot. Stop. Rewatching. Please. Help.


It’s been a year since I started to learn this piece. And yes, I can finally say that I made it ! I know it from start to end by heart.. I’m so happy 😭


Des images me reviennent
Comme un souvenir tendre
Une ancienne ritournelle
Autrefois en décembre

Je me souviens il me semble
Des jeux qu'on inventait ensemble
Je retrouve dans un sourire
La flamme de mes souvenirs

Je me souviens il me semble
Des jeux qu'on inventait ensemble
Je retrouve dans un sourire
La flamme de mes souvenirs

Et au loin, un écho
Comme une braise sous la cendre
Un murmure à mi-mots
Que mon coeur veut comprendre

Une ancienne ritournelle
Loin du froid de décembre


*0.00: majestic music* *1.58 angrily smashing the keyboard* xD I LOVEEE THIS SONG


pianoREADER, thank you for making my arrangement visual! Looks and sounds fantastic. :)


everything about this is beautifully chilling, mysterious, heartbreaking, lovely, graceful


Как узор на окне
Снова прошлое рядом,
Кто-то пел песню мне
В зимний вечер когда-то.
Словно в прошлом ожило
Чьих-то бережных рук тепло,
Вальс изысканных гостей
И бег лихих коней.

Вальс кружил и нёс меня,
Словно в сказку свою маня,
Первый бал и первый вальс
Звучат во мне сейчас.
Зеркала в янтаре
Мой восторг отражают,
Кто-то пел на заре
Дом родной покидая.

Будешь ты в декабре
Вновь со мной дорогая….


Tänzerin, Bärenkind
Letztes Blatt im Kalender
Und ein Lied jemand singt
Es war einmal im Dezember

Sag, wer hält mich fest im Arm?
Schlittenfahrt, und doch ist mir warm
Paare drehen sich geschwind
Musik verweht im Wind

Mit dem Wind fliegt das Lied
Über Meere und Länder
Bald bist du zu Haus bei mir
Bald, schon bald im Dezember

Sag, wer hält mich fest im Arm?
Schlittenfahrt, und doch ist mir warm
Paare drehen sich geschwind
Musik verweht im Wind

Weit, so weit, lange schon
Märchentraum im Dezember
Sehnsucht ruft mein Herz nach Haus
Über Meere und Länder

Und ein Lied leise klingt
Es war einmal in Dezember
