SALARY in SWITZERLAND: How Much do the SWISS EARN and What's Left in the End

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#Average #INCOME in #Switzerland is 78,000 CHF/ around $86,000 a year. This is a LOT of #MONEY, and you now what, in Switzerland this is normal! But Switzerland is also one of the MOST EXPENSIVE countries in the world.
We show you what is left in an average Swiss wallet at the end of the month.

For example: A teachers can earn approximately 70,000 to 120,000 Francs annually.

Rent for a one-bedroom apartment could hover around 1,500 to 2,000 Swiss Francs a month.
For a single person, monthly grocery expenses could fall between 400-600 Francs. Dining out might cost around 20-40 Francs per meal, depending on where you go.

Switzerland is famous for its low taxes.
The canton Zug and Schwyz, for example—they're top picks for lower taxes, and Zurich is not bad either. So, what's in your wallet at the end of the month - can actually hinge on where you call home.

We show you in this video more details and what a remarkable amount of money many people in Switzerland can save each year.

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#switzerland #money #income #salary #inspiration
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The real issue is that some people should experience life outside Switzerland 🇨🇭 before commenting on life here. Spend a couple of years with a regular job in Italy or Spain, and then we can talk about "careful budgeting." People in Switzerland have a completely different lifestyle. When it comes to budgeting, they often decide between spending two weeks in Hawaii or saving money by opting for a trip to Porto. In Italy, the choices can be much tougher, like deciding between paying the rent or buying a new book for your child’s birthday.


Beautiful video! Thank you so very much for the information as I will be moving within the next 2 months.


Super interessante channel. Neue subscriber. Super guets Videoediting, bi beidruckt. Liebi Grüess us em Thurgau, Susanne


Great video! Helped a lot to understand more about Switzerland! Thank you and we wait more videos! I'm from Brazil and I'm medical student here. Switzerland is one of my options of countries for validate my degree after finish my studies here in Brazil.


I particularly like the way of your presentation. Thanks for the informative video!!


Healthcare standard rankings put Switzerland pretty much at the top of every list world wide. We have basically the most advanced medicine, accessible to everyone. Insurance is mandatory and you will have to pay some franchise model dependent overhead, but in the worst case that goes into the low tousands and caps per year. There is ZERO chance of anyone getting a 100k bill like in the USA. I never heard of anyone going broke because healthcare costs here. Groceries on the other hand ... lol. It's a very expensive country, I can't imagine how people get by with less than 80k here, especially if the have a family etc.


Live in NYC, visited Switzerland recently, and I could not generally speaking see a huge price different between the two places for the cost of living (obviously there are some differences). This video kind of reinforces that. The main difference being housing, in NYC a shitbox is usually below 2k, something decent is closer to 3k. Obviously, if your employer doesn't provide good health insurance, then you are on the hook for very expensive healthcare. Alas, just as the video notes, you could get by in NYC with about 80k to have an ok life, where you can go on vacation and such. Likewise, if you don't manage yourself well, then that money is easily gone.

Lastly, although NYC has a great nightlife, and lots of cultural events. The quality of life does not come close to what I witnessed in Zurich. From my short experience, the place is just a step above on many of these aspects.


Zurich or Geneva both are very expensive for a tourist and must be obviously for living. Rich country one needs to be somewhere at par with the others. That would require much more as an income. Quality of life really great. I guess other European cities provide more variety and more crowd also, kind of more lively


I working since 2009
regular Restaurant Leader
Tips on Top around 1000.- Fr up + montly. Very Good Salery, bcs Loyal Work almost 10 Years in this Company
And I save almost more than 30.000 fr. Per Year, easily /
No Car / No Depts
3 X Times (2 Weeks) Holidays whereever I want ,
A perfect Move with my Jung Age to working in Switzerland


I don't understand your income tax calculation. You calculated it after all the expenses were deducted. Are income taxes charged on the basis of annual gross income or income after expenses?


Got a job in IT, offer 92, 000 gross annual. Zurich. Is that enough for a family of 4 ???


Housing its wrong you can start from 800 chf for a one bed apt


Taxes are much higher than mentioned in the video. Dint forget, the appartement is just that... no water, heating or electricity at that point. I dont see how I should be able to safe about 17k a year. Maybe just eat pastaand stay at home, no car and no hobbies that cost something


Well I'm from the UK and renting over there sounds cheaper than the UK. A small flat with bill's is about 1400 a month. This video is out of date, you would have to be a halfwit not to live well over there. Things in the UK are terrible, even second hand shops are full now


I’ve got 35 years experience in USA IT. Managing projects and operations. What kind of jobs should I look for and through what sites in Europe? If Amsterdam can actually pay hundreds of thousands of euros, I am interested


I live in Switzerland since 2011 and this video is somehow accurate… But with 6’000 CHF Brutto you can’t live here. You just survive!!! 300 for health assurance is low, and 1500 for an apartment? Only if you live in a very old small apartment without garage or parking lot. You FORGOT all the annual expenses that take you in some months 1000 or 2000 CHF from your savings! Car insurance? Serafe? Mobile Phone? Internet? Dentist and other doctors which are not included in the health insurance, which is a robbery (nothing is included there), if you have a leasing? Money for a sport or some shoes and clothes? If you need to learn a language??? And if you have a pet? You even have to pay to have a dog…not to mention if you have a kid…then you can not definitely live here….2000 a month for the nursery??? Excuse me??? The prices went up to 50% in some things and almost all 30% - Salary stays the same. Curry-rice in march is 20 CHF and in April is 26.50 CHf…. That’s more than 30% ….. a lesson of anything is not less than 120 chf for 50 minutes!… These are all extras that your simply made budget didn’t account. I wish I had knew it before I came here and would have never come to Switzerland. I wish I could go back to 2008 and to my country where I used to live MUCH BETTER


Best informative video ever 😊 Thank you, Guys 😊 I would like to see cost of living in Lugano


Hey, if your not Swiss but get work in Switzerland, what does the tax annuity look like then. And how much tax does a doctor pay in your example in taxes a year? Please explain thank you.


Hey, i´m planning on trying to find a job as a "software engineer" in switzerland, where the salary before tax (at the beginning) is 83k, but with some years of experience it is about 96k-125k. Could I live comfortably there with theese salaries?


Great video!
I now live in Switzerland and I agree with all that is said here. Except that as a foreigner I am deducted tax at source!
If you are not vegetarian then it maybe a good time to do it while living in Switzerland!