Uncovering the Deception of the Mormon Church | Shelise Ann Sola

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Uncovering the Deception of the Mormon Church | Shelise Ann Sola

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Watch Shelise Interview Derek Lambert (MythVision) here

Here what Shelise says about her channel,

"Hi! I’m Shelise Ann Sola— former devout Mormon. On C2C we dive deep into the nuance of culty organizations. From Mormonism, FLDS Polygamy, Scientology, Ultra Orthodox, and Jehovah's Witnesses, to cults featured in popular docu-series, I interview cult experts, survivors, advocates, therapists, way-showers, authors, and more, to uncover how they find independence and healing through awareness and true individual sovereignty."



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Watch Shelise Interview Derek Lambert (MythVision) here

Be sure to let us know your favorite part of this interview.


“If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” - voltaire


Ex Mormon here. Born into the church from multi generation Mormon stock who immigrated from Europe. Went on a mission, served in High Council, bishopric, and many other callings. I won't explain all of the reasons why I left, but after looking Mormonism and religion in general, I abandoned it all. Now I'm an atheist. Thank you for this guest and interview.


Kudos, Shelise.
After honest reflection, breaking free from a religion that has ruled your life is an amazing and brave thing to do.


To experience this remarkable woman's account of how she came to be freed from an oppressive cult's controls is enlightening and inspiring. I can't commend this interview enough.


I really admire people who can escape from their own religion.
It is really a deeply spiritual journey.


Thanks for the vid and congratulations to Shelise. I left Mormonism about 15 years ago, having completed a mission and serving as a bishop. Wish I had left in my teens or had never belonged, but at least I owe nothing to the Corporation of the Church of JC of LDS today. Thanks for your story, courage and hold your head high.


I grew up in the church and experienced the same condescension when I became pregnant outside of marriage. The church’s protocol for such an event was to require you to place your child up for adoption after undergoing 9 months of shaming and blaming. The father of my baby was a black man. I distinctly recall being told by a counselor at LDS Social Services, “You look like a girl who would date a black guy.” 😳. My parent’s expectations were that I give birth (after pleading with me to have an abortion) and then come back to the family fold never to speak of that experience again. That isn’t who I am. I found my son when he was 26 years old despite the churches efforts to not release records or facilitate any reunion. Andy is happy, healthy and has a gorgeous family!


I love this discussion. So many familiarities with my story.
I think my story has a lot more high drama, but one thing I love as she described being normal. As a child I really wanted to be normal.
Now that I am 60, I am thankful for not being a NORMIE.
I am thankful I learned to do my own research and think for myself.
This gal has come a long way much faster than I did! 👍 I am happy to see how well she is doing 🥰


I was married in the temple...twice. everything she said is exactly right. I had to have an experience to open my eyes when I almost had a stroke because of hyperthyroid. I don't recommend that to wake up but so glad I have!


I had a Mormon roommate in college and I learned of all this in 1971. It still baffles my mind how easily people and be convinced to follow what is proven to be untrue.


Same story here. I am now 74. I went to a Jr College in Rexburg ID. The issue with Afro-Americans not holding the Priesthood due to the lineage of Cain as well as an ongoing curse. I was very upset and never got a clear answer. That started my research. I was finally excommunicated. The conclusion for me was a celebration. I have never looked back.


Great insights. So happy to hear this woman is well on the path to healing.

I'll always have a soft spot for Mormons. I didn't experience much of the more esoteric stuff, but I spent a lot of time with a couple different mormon families growing up and they were incredibly warm, generous, and loving. I have nothing but fond memories. I can't say the same for a number of more traditional evangelical families I spent time with.

All that said, I see that dang crystal behind you. Never trust a crystal lady! I say that somewhat in jest.


Keep on sister. I know you feel you have a handle on this but you are just starting and what comes next will blow your mind. Just Hold on Loosely and don't let go like the song says. Love you!


I was converted into the LDS church years ago in the Indian placement program and last year I finally learn about what the true history of the church. Now I have rejoin my culture and I have been waken.


Honestly, every religion I've seen I would call a cult, but I appreciate you openly calling mormonism a cult. I was mormon. It's a cult.


Thank you Shelise for sharing so much in such an eloquent manner. The thing that strikes me is how your experience–deception, abuse–parallels that of so many people who are into their faith... Christian or otherwise.


A female can go to & through the temple as a single female—I did. I am in the process of leaving the church. Everything is already done except getting rid of my member ID # number.
Dresses have to be at least 3/4 length sleeves and they no longer move their robes from side to side. I no longer believe in what is done in the church and as far as the Sunday services—we are not fed, there is no meat of Gods word given. We’d get little stories from other members.
The Lord woke me up last year at this exact time and I’m so thankful.
I hold no bad feelings for anyone there, there are many I love dearly and I pray for them. Sadly, I realize once my member # is removed they’ll probably never speak to me again and I’m ok with that because God is the one who opened my eyes.


Nothing like a strong, intelligent, kind woman, to overcome ignorant men. Bravo! One of so many pathological fairy tales, for control and more. Good for you, and I so hope you spread the word, and help others. Egregious . So much more, but, love your mission, the RIGHT mission this time !


It started breaking down for me during my first bishop interview and he started talking about masturbation with me. Felt inappropriate, especially since his son was one of my best friends. After that, I began looking at things more closely when I went to church. Things didn't line up logically, didn't make sense for the physical world and no amount of "faith" was going to make it make sense. By the time I was 18, I decided I was out, told my parents I wasn't going on a mission and stopped going to church.
