JOHN HUGHES REVIEWS (Breakfast Club + Ferris Bueller + Career Opportunities)

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Episode #128: John Hughes
Jon takes a look the seminal work of John Hughes; his 1985 breakout classic, "The Breakfast Club", "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" starring Matthew Broderick, and the Jennifer Connely picture, "Career Opportunites".

TWEET a review with the #JPMN hashtag, and have it featured!

Tonight's Films:
• The Breakfast Club (1985) -- Timeless characters propel introspective script, 7/10.
• Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) -- Pointless, overrated fluff that delights, 6/10.
• Career Opportunities (1991) -- Resounding romance, if haphazardly delivered, 4/10.

Rate Next Episode's Films:

Enjoyment --- Overall viewer satisfaction.
Story ----------- Premise and script writing.
Technical ----- Editing, directing, and sound.
Acting --------- Convincing portyal of characters.
Visuals -------- Cinematography and special effects.
Impact --------- Effectiveness in eliciting emotion.
Pacing --------- Appropriate tempo given run-time.
Believability -- Realistic developments within context.
Atmosphere -- Music, costumes, art-design.
Re-Watch ----- Likelihood of a repeat viewing.

~~ Movie Night ~~
Your film critic host Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, upcoming trailers, and classics from years past, with an interactive format that integrates audience comments. Along with your votes, each film is scored on the "Rate-O-Matic" for a 1-10 ranking. A "Five Word Summary" quickly encapsulates each review while "Factor Facts" highlight a film's best and worst features in ten key categories. New episodes every Friday, November - May. Quick reviews and trailer commentaries are posted weekly to the "MovieNight" channel as well.

Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca.

~~ Links ~~

~~ Technical ~~
Created by ------ Jonathan Paula
Camera ---------- Panasonic HMC-150
Microphone ----- Sennheiser ME 66
Software --------- Adobe Premiere Pro CC

• Jogwheel Productions © 2014 •
Рекомендации по теме

I saw The Breakfast Club for the first time back in 7th grade, second time in Sophomore year of high school, and I just got done watching it for the third time as a Senior, now that I'm almost done with high school and I've been through it, I appreciate it a lot more than I did a few years back. A few years back I just saw it as an entertaining drama/comedy, now I see it as a fantastic, realistic, and relatable portrayal of youth!


best intro you've ever done on this show!!!


Spiderman 2 - A very underrated superhero flick that may just be one of the best. 9/10


Thanks for using my comment review for Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Jon!


I'm actually doing a project on John Hughes so this is really helpful.


Spider-Man 2: One of the most exciting, well-realized superhero films, and definitely one of the best hero sequels! Besides the "Mary Jane is in trouble" cliché, the film's story arcs pay off through a superb script and great acting, 10/10.


Spider-man 2: 1-upping everything from the first film, this masterpiece delivers. Action, comedy, and an incredibly relatable dilemma, 10/10


I identify with Brian, the geek. In fact, there was a window of a few years where I looked like him....and people told me all the time.


You definitely need to see The Breakfast Club at a younger age to get the full effect


The Amazing Spider-man 2: Amazing, bolstering action, incredible special effects and villains and a harrowing final sequence. Thrilled from start to finish. 9/10


I've only seen John Hughes films upon recommendation. My dad was telling me to watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles. And when I told people in my German class that I hadn't seen The Breakfast Club, they looked at me like I was crazy. So I've only seen those two. I'd give both an 8.


I found your Ferris Bueller review very interesting. I never thought the audience was supposed to relate to Ferris, because, as you said, he's completely unrelatable. I always thought the audience was supposed to relate to Cameron but aspire to be a little bit of Ferris. While it's important to be responsible for your actions, you can't let yourself be paralyzed by the possible consequences of every action, like Cameron is. And while it's important to remember to actually live life, you can't have a complete disregard for responsibility, like Ferris does. I always thought the message of the movie was to balance yourself between Ferris and Cameron. Great review though! 


JogWheel, I think you have a deep misunderstanding of the Hughes films...


Spider-Man 2: The best Spider-Man movie so far. Kept me excited from start to finish, it has a few sad moments as well. 8/10


Spider-Man 2: Undoubtedly the best of the Raimi trilogy with a fantastic story and villain. The performances are great and the effects are awesome. 9/10.


Do you know what is great about the Breakfast club? The song " Don't you forget about me ". Legendary!


The Breakfast Club is probably my favorite movie of all time. Ferris Bueller's Day off could give it a run for it's money.


Spider-Man 2 (2004) - one of the best superhero movies ever made with fantastic characters and story 8/10


For The Breakfast Club, I've always related to Allison and Brian the most, but slightly with Andrew and Bender too in some situations. As an adult, I can understand Principal Vernon's perspective a little bit more but I still think he's an uptight, authoritarian asshole for the most part, which I've never liked. I've had teachers and principals like him in the past and the memories still piss me off to this day because I rarely deserved their aggression, and as an adult, I can see through their flawed logic more clearly. I tend to agree more with Carl the janitor's realistic and more laid back attitude these days.

Ferris Beuller on the other hand; I used to relate to Cameron the most in my 20's, but I've grown out of that angsty phase. Ironically, I've found myself sympathizing with Mr. Rooney more often as I've gotten older (unlike Mr. Vernon, who was similar but a lot meaner), given the situation. Ferris Beuller was admittedly a (lovable) douche who seemed to get away with everything, and all Rooney seemed to want to do was catch him red-handed and call him out on it, but the odds were stacked against him, so I can understand his frustration. By the end when he was all fucked up and had to ride that school bus home, I kinda felt bad for him. lol


Spider-Man 2: Even better than the first. Great action, well-done CGI, and an awesome villain make up for Maguire and Dunst's lack of chemistry, 9/10.
