How to Climb out of Bronze in Valorant In 1 WEEK! (No BS Tips)

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In this video, I'm going to teach you how to climb out of bronze rank in Valorant in 1 WEEK! I know that you're skeptical, but believe me when I say that this guide is 100% real and will work for you.

If you're looking to rank up your account in Valorant or just want to know how to climb out of bronze rank in Valorant, then this guide is for you. I'll explain everything in detail and give you a step-by-step guide on how to rank up your account in no time!

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Dylan B Plays

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How to get out of bronze videos are always about crosshairplacemen, crosshairs and game sense, but I know that and game sense isn't as important in low elo


finally someone who doesnt just say you should uninstall if ur bronze or silver


My problem is the random enemy’s that I go up against. One game they will be true bronzes and aim at the floor and don’t shoot back. Next game I will go against a full team of tenz who headshot you the millisecond they see you. I can improve a lot but sometimes I have great games and go 20+ kills as smokes while also having good smokes and my duelists drop 6 or 9 kills after 13 rounds. I just can’t get consistent games.


Hey your video really helped me a lot I was iron 3 hard stuck after seeing this and the aim like a pro video i climbed silver without loosing a single match in bronze so thank you 🙏


Why is this so accurate, not a good player but I do comms accurately and mid aim (lol) hahaha / but the silent team part and Lost team mates due to pride to their own playstyle instead of adjusting to situations is so frustrating . I almost got back to silver then got a lose streak because of this kind of teams. Not alot of my friends play valorant and I mostly play solo. But a trio might be a big help. Thank you for the tips .You got my sub because of that


I was diamond in overwatch, and I got placed iron 3. I needed this video.


Skill-wise, I should be in Gold (according to my Asc friend) but I got placed Iron, worked my way up all the way to S3, then just kept getting losing streaks because of either bad picks on my end or some bad plays, but mostly because of bad teammates. I.e, bad/no smokes, trolls, people who just leave and abandon the team after round 2 so you can't remake and so on, or instalock duelists who do nothing, or no-comms. I'm now back down to Bronze 3, and holy, abt to go into B2 again, it's awful. No comms still, no smokes, nothing.


Man, i was bronze 2 idk why my random teamates don't know how to play valorant 😂 vandal spray while sprinting


I’m an iron 3 that just pulled a 30 k playing support and still lost. 😢 thanks for this vid


My relationship with ranked is summed up by this
Iron: decent teammate iq
Bronze: teammate iq nonexistent


thank you for the tips i have been trying my best but teamates always are ttying to sabotage and enemies are smurfs :)
I will try your tips and hope i can learn more with hard work❤


most genuine person yet. keep up the work man


went from bronze 2 to bronze 1 to plat 1 👍


Nice tips im already gold, but the tips are rlly useful


Been hardstuck bronze 2 for a month now, dont really understand why because I basically top frag every single game while playing with all roles, and I come from csgo I was LEM/faceit 6 so I have a decent aim ig, and been also trio-qing most of the time but keep loosing while me and my Q are always top frags. will definitly try the tips out and keep you updated


I'm stuck in bronze 2 solo queue, thanks now I now what to do, find some friends to play with


i am a guy who plays china open beta branch version currently, i got okay kda (somewhere around 1.6 and currently two 5kills in 40 hours non-ranking mode with shotguns and ar) but always lose the critical round when i got a chance to perform a 1v3 or 1v4 in non-pistol rounds, hope your crosshair placement for one tapping advice could help me because some similar tips was given in csgo videos and i never use it


can you make a similar guide possibly about a in depth guide to learning better aim/frag out? i rely too much on my game sense and my weakness is definitely my aim. my crosshair placement is decent + i give decent comms especially for this rank? id take any advice here as well lol.


Better tip is make sure you can actually run Valorant at a decent fps anywhere from a consistent 60-120fps its more than possible to climb high with lower fps values but its a lot easier if you aren't lagging all the way there.


After I was talking to your livestream i was just randomly scrolling on how to get out of bronze and i found this lol!
