SICP Cover Demystified - Conor Hoekstra - CppCon 2020
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SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) is "the best computer science book in the world." This lightning talk dives into what the cover of the infamous textbook really means.
Conor is a Senior Library Software Engineer at NVIDIA working on the RAPIDS team. He is extremely passionate about programming languages, algorithms and beautiful code. He is the founder and organizer of the Programming Languages Virtual Meetup and he has a YouTube channel.
SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) is "the best computer science book in the world." This lightning talk dives into what the cover of the infamous textbook really means.
Conor is a Senior Library Software Engineer at NVIDIA working on the RAPIDS team. He is extremely passionate about programming languages, algorithms and beautiful code. He is the founder and organizer of the Programming Languages Virtual Meetup and he has a YouTube channel.
SICP Cover Demystified - Conor Hoekstra - CppCon 2020
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: SICP - Conor Hoekstra - CppCon 2020
SICP: the end of an era
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