Show: The Voice from Kazakhstan (Dimash Kudaibergen) | DLD 22

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All over Asia, singer and musician Dimash Kudaibergen is a superstar, with millions of followers in countries like China, South Korea and of course his native Kazakhstan.

At DLD Munich 2022, he showed why, with a rousing performance that wowed the audience and showed the incredible range of the singer’s voice: it spans eight octaves, as moderator Ralph Simon points out in the accompanying backstage talk.

Simon also introduces Dimash Kudaibergen’s performance, along with DLD founder Steffi Czerny.

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I was at Dimash's concert in Düsseldorf this April. Absolutely amazing, not only vocally but also as a person. There was this permanent state of affection ping-pong between the audience and him. I'm still blown away now when I remember it. I wish Dimash much, much success in his career and all the luck in the world.


Dimash has spent his entire life, since the age of 5, perfecting his talents, of which he has many. Classically trained and gifted with “perfect pitch” he dedicates himself to be the very best he can be, every single performance. In addition to being an otherworldly performer he is also a good man who promotes world peace and has donated both his time and his own resources to many causes, such as feeding hungry children. Dimash is a once in a century singer and is also an incredibly honorable person.


I’m a 72 year old geezer in Northern California. A week ago today I happened to come across Dimash singing S.O.S. It brought tears to my eyes. I’ve been checking out his other songs for the past week, plus I have a new hobby……watching voice coaches, professional singers, and music critics do reactions to his songs on YouTube. I get a kick out of all the jaw-dropping and mind-blowing they do when they listen to his exquisite, technically perfect accomplishments. His vocal range carries off both ends of the piano keyboard. It cannot contain him. It’s simply mesmerizing and utterly amazing.


It is such a privilege to see Dimash at your conference. His innovation is himself - just an artist, which is not comparable to anybody today. His art is his innovation, new, fresh, attractive, intelligent, and also the huge talent and hard work. His singing ability can not be reached yet by anybody. He is highly educated, and he is writing his doctoral in music now. He is also a composer and a multi-instrumentalist. Very extraordinary person in any way.Thank you for inviting him to your wonderful event and introducing him to a new audience.


Dimash kudaibergen is truely the best singer in the world and one of the best human being in the world! It's a great pleasure to DLD for having him. Love you prince Dimash! Stay successful and healthy! Thank you Mr. Simon and DLD for inviting our Dimash!👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥


You forgot to mention America. There are millions of Americans who know that he is the best vocalist in the world.


En mi medio siglo de vida he disfrutado de muchos buenos artistas de distintos géneros musicales, pero cuando conocí a Dimash, se me rompió el molde... Nunca vi algo suprema calidad, la pasión, la entrega, la versatilidad... darme cuenta de todo el trabajo y dedicación detrás de cada performance... Éste joven es para mí el mejor Artista de estos tiempos que corren... Espero que su arte llegue a todos los rincones del orbe, gracias DLD Conference por compartir este maravilloso regalo para la humanidad que es Dimash.. Saludos desde Chile, Latinoamérica.


Пока зрители смотрели и слушали выступление Димаша, они не заметили, как превратились в dears!😊👍🙏💥❤️


You will never in a lifetime hear with human ears anything even close to this man’s voice… he’s from outside this world vocally… a gift… a messenger to this world.


Que maravillosa voz y que sonido tan especial tienen esos instrumentos, es un conjunto perfecto, es magico


Dimash is the only artist that people from the entire world can gather share love no matter where they come from or where he’s performing . He creates a new world entirely . He ‘s a single most catalyst for unity .
There are no borders, no color, no barriers . To meet each other is to be with family .
There’s no fear, no judgment, no discomfort. It’s pure joy, peace, and love .
He ( and his fans ) are proof what our existence can be : harmonious and beautiful.
It’s more than possible because we prove it every time we gather to see him where ever we can -even if it’s just online .
I’ve met so many good people I now call friend bc of Dimash .
He brings out the best in people .
He’s why I got through this pandemic .
I had just lost my husband and then became evicted from my house 2 years ago finding myself completely alone and very sad and terrified . I would not be here if it hadn’t been for this young man . I seriously mean that . I wanted to opt out of life entirely.
It helped me to see how he brings out the best in humanity and reflect within myself . I learned that love still exists . I’ve found faith of a different kind . It’s unbound and freeing . The silver lining of the tragic pandemic was that so many people were able to find Dimash . His star seemed to shine brightly during the bleakest of times .
Dimash is a bridge and uniter.
Dimash has created a great link between people regardless of how social class . I suspect his approach to digital concerts changed the narrative and rules of the industry . His 1st digital concert is surely historical.
Most artists before Dimash would never allow pics to be taken during a concert or for live streaming to be allowed . Not everyone can afford to attend a concert and he makes them available to all in some form whether one has the financial resources or not .
I’m sure by now other artists and the music industry have taken notice . The rules have changed .
I don’t know how my tomorrow’s will be but when I’m listening or watching a concert I’m not thinking about it .
Btw -it’s been such a pleasure to also come to know Jordan, Rassul, Zarina aa well. They too have lovely hearts and are so gifted .
We are many but we are one .


Dimash it is the best singer in the world and I'm really sad about that nobody truly can't recognise him as best as he is. He deserved everything


Похоже, что Ральф Саймон уже точно один из dears☺️ Как замечательно он представил Димаша, как виртуозного музыканта и певца! 🙌Наравне с легендарными Фредди Меркури, Паваротти, Элтон Джон, Coldplay. Также он заметил, нечто необычное о Димаше - ему не понадобилась ни одна из больших музыкальных лейбл компаний, чтобы стать знаменитым, только поддержка его поклонников, его Dears!🥰👍
P.S. Мне кажется я волновалась больше Ди, когда он готовился играть на домбре и гордилась его выступлением, как-будто я сама из Казахстана!😁

P.P.S. OMG🤩🤩🤩 только увидела новость, что компания Ральфа Саймона снимает серию документальных фильмов "Виртуозы" о молодых и талантливых музыкантах, которые стали известны благодаря соцсетям, в том числе и о Димаше!🙌🙌🙌 А после завершения 8 серий возможно будет общий концерт всех этих виртуозов!😍


Dear Dimash, you have nothing to worry about anymore, you have proven yourself so many times! He's so sympathetic that he's still excited, , , We love you


His English has gotten SOOO good!! Not even speaking about his amazing voice!! The amount of hours, days and years gone into practicing, studying, trail and error. I have great respect for Dimash!!


Самый Лучший на Планете Артист и Человек наш Космический ДИМАШ!✨🌟🇰🇿🎶❤️❤️❤️Спасибо, что пригласили ДИМАША на ваше мероприятие, я очень счастлива за него и за всех людей, которые смогли услышать Голос Вселенной.🙏🌐❤️❤️❤️


Как это прекрасно, что ДИМАШ находится там на этой конференции, где собирались лучшие креативные люди планеты, которые двигают прогресс!!! И наш ДИМАШ среди них, как двигатель прогресса в мире искусства!!! Горжусь до невозможности любимым Артистом 💥❤️🌍


His incredible voice comes from his soul...a true gift to the world. And it is appreciated as that. Thank you.


Dimash, the personification of charisma 👏👏👏


В очередной раз Димаш доказывает, что не надо за него волноваться diars. Как всегда собран спокоен и прекрасен 🌷
