How The Power of God Reversed a MISCARRIAGE & I Gave Birth to a Healthy Baby! *-* My Miracle Baby!💓

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In this video I tell how the Power of God prevailed and how I confessed His Word in the middle of signs of a miscarriage. The miscarriage symptoms persisted for over 24 hours. BUT God! He had the final say! The Power of the Holy Spirit recreated my daughter on the inside of my womb and I gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Charlotte! My miracle baby!! All Glory to GOD!! It is not the heart of the Father for you to experience the sorrow of a miscarriage. John 10:10 says that The thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but I have come that you might have LIFE and life more abundantly. He is a loving, good Father and the giver of life! The bible says in James 1:17 that every good and perfect gift is from above. As you watch this video please know that my heart toward you is love. If you have been through the horrible pain of saying good bye to your precious baby, I am so sorry! I cannot imagine the hurt you feel. My prayer for you is that God would heal and restore and give you His peace that passes all understanding. That your sorrow may last for a night but joy will come in the morning. If you are feeling guilt or shame please know that, that is from the devil! The bible says if you are a Christian there is no more guilt or shame. God is the great restorer! He wants to heal your broken heart and He says in Psalms 113:9 that He wants to make the childless women to keep house and be a JOYFUL mother of children! I hope this video places courage and faith on the inside of you! I pray that the desire of your heart be fulfilled and that you experience the FULL JOY of being a mother in Jesus name! Jesus and I love you!!
*-* Dawn Marie
***Please forgive me with the poor audio b/c of my house AC running! As well as the camera refocusing. :( This was one of the first videos I recorded. So if it seems like I'm going backwards with my video quality that's why! I appreciate the grace while I grow! Thank you!
*-* Dawn Marie
***Please forgive me with the poor audio b/c of my house AC running! As well as the camera refocusing. :( This was one of the first videos I recorded. So if it seems like I'm going backwards with my video quality that's why! I appreciate the grace while I grow! Thank you!