How The Power of God Reversed a MISCARRIAGE & I Gave Birth to a Healthy Baby! *-* My Miracle Baby!💓

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In this video I tell how the Power of God prevailed and how I confessed His Word in the middle of signs of a miscarriage. The miscarriage symptoms persisted for over 24 hours. BUT God! He had the final say! The Power of the Holy Spirit recreated my daughter on the inside of my womb and I gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Charlotte! My miracle baby!! All Glory to GOD!! It is not the heart of the Father for you to experience the sorrow of a miscarriage. John 10:10 says that The thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but I have come that you might have LIFE and life more abundantly. He is a loving, good Father and the giver of life! The bible says in James 1:17 that every good and perfect gift is from above. As you watch this video please know that my heart toward you is love. If you have been through the horrible pain of saying good bye to your precious baby, I am so sorry! I cannot imagine the hurt you feel. My prayer for you is that God would heal and restore and give you His peace that passes all understanding. That your sorrow may last for a night but joy will come in the morning. If you are feeling guilt or shame please know that, that is from the devil! The bible says if you are a Christian there is no more guilt or shame. God is the great restorer! He wants to heal your broken heart and He says in Psalms 113:9 that He wants to make the childless women to keep house and be a JOYFUL mother of children! I hope this video places courage and faith on the inside of you! I pray that the desire of your heart be fulfilled and that you experience the FULL JOY of being a mother in Jesus name! Jesus and I love you!!
*-* Dawn Marie

***Please forgive me with the poor audio b/c of my house AC running! As well as the camera refocusing. :( This was one of the first videos I recorded. So if it seems like I'm going backwards with my video quality that's why! I appreciate the grace while I grow! Thank you!
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The devil will not steal my baby!! My baby’s heart will beat today in Jesus name AMEN! 🙏🏾❤️


Will you pray in agreement with me? I have non-increasing HCG levels but through prayer, our baby has grown every week! PERFECTLY! Every single week right on. We heard a heart beat. It’s strong. But my HCG are saying I’m miscarrying. My prayers are for this miracle child to continue to grow. Standing on the word. This will be a healthy baby and pregnancy in the name of Jesus.


I really needed this video, thank you so much!
My hcg levels went from 210 to 130 and my doctor said I was having a miscarriage, I passed something on the 14th of February and my levels dropped after to 55. A week later I had another hcg to make sure it dropped to 0, my dr called and said it jumped to 300!

A week from that reading, my levels are at 1, 000. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME. 🙌 I pray every second that I'm worthy to carry this baby full term ❤


I shall not miscarry my pregnancy, i shall carry this pregnancy till full term and I shall give birth to a healthy babies


Update June 16th: went to my appointment today and the ultrasound showed growth and there was the fetal pole next to the yolk sac. Praise God ❤️❤️❤️ the doctor and I were both happy 😊


Was diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage on Monday, and strongly believe that God is with me and I shall carry and deliver a healthy baby at full term


I will not loose my pregnancy in the name of Jesus amen, this baby heartbeat must be heard and I will carry this child to full term amen


All the ultrasound said no growth and heartbeat but I’m going again Friday and I will hear heartbeat, growth and will carry full month. Stay strong my unborn baby, God got your back. As God said “ this is miracle not a failure 🙏🏾 🙏🏾


No medical device, no natural eye has power over what I see with my spiritual eye. Thank you, Lord, for your covenant promises to your covenant children. In Jesus's name, I testify that you are the promise-keeper. I will not miscarry my child. My child is destined to a full, healthy life in the kingdom of God. Hallelujah!


I found out July 31st that I was pregnant. My husband and I are so excited. My daughter just turned 6 and tells everyone she comes across that I'm pregnant. Well, this past Tuesday, I started bleeding. I panicked because I've never experienced bleeding with my daughter. I called my doctor and they said to rest. But the bleeding wouldn't stop. My husband was worried and took me to the ER. They did an ultrasound. The doctor said my pregnancy hormones are really high, but that there was no baby in the sack. He said that I could be having a miscarriage. I went home, prayed and ask God to comfort me and exchange my worry, for His peace. He did just that. I felt so calm. I was on YouTube and trying to find similar cases. I found alot of videos, but then came across yours. As I was watching you, I knew God led me to this video. I felt so encouraged, strong and my faith increased. I touched my womb and spoke life on the inside of it. I declared that my baby will be healthy and present in the sack. Yesterday I had another ultrasound. Still no sign of baby and the doctor said she doesn't understand why because my hcg levels are extremely high. She said I'm having a miscarriage. She gave me all the possible options to abort the pregnancy so I can stop bleeding. But hearing her report, did not discourage me. I felt even more encourage, because I believe the report of the Lord! I said to myself, "Ok God, this is your opportunity to show just how powerful you are to these doctors." I told the doctor that I won't be using any of those options and that I will schedule a follow up ultrasound in the next upcoming weeks. The past 48 hours as been crazy, but the strength and the faith that I have gotten in this small window of time, is nothing but God. I believe my baby (or babies) will be in my womb thriving. Thank you for your video and the boldness of your faith. It blessed me and encouraged me so much. Keep me in prayer ❤


Seven weeks ago my wife Richelle and I received a positive home pregnancy test. Our doctor immediately scheduled us for a visit due to previous experience. Following Kayden’s birth, we became pregnant. Excited and very surprised! At our 13 week check up, we discovered our baby didn’t have a heart beat. We were broken. Having Kayden made the experience not as difficult.

This current pregnancy has been a journey. At our first ultrasound, the tech didn’t see a sac. Our doctor determined Richelle was early and we should return the following week. During the follow up visit, we had a sac, but no fetus. However the numbers looked great. No signs of any problems. We were scheduled to return for another ultrasound two weeks later which was today. We discovered a baby fetus, but no heartbeat yet. Richelle did bloodwork to test her levels and we will return next week.

Although we are experiencing every emotion possible, we trust God. Please keep us in your prayers. We are believing God for a miracle.


Your video gives me Holy spirit chills . This is my 1st pregnancy in all of 23 yrs of infertility and waiting ! I have my 1st OB appt next week to see a fetal pole, yok sak and heart beat that wasnt seen at an e.r visit last week . They said it may be too early or threatned miscarriage. I keep twlling myself, God has not brought me this far to let what he has given me in all of 23 yrs go that easy . Im holding onto hope . 🙏🏽 Thank You for sharing this .


I had my 8 week ultrasound yesterday and the sonographer couldn’t find my babys heartbeat, immediately I let doubt and fear come in my mind. But I just just came across your video and it shook me up, it has reminded me that I am a child of God & I have the power of the Holy Spirit living inside me! There is no way that I’m letting the devil take away this child that God has blessed me with! I will be speaking those verses unto my life & my uborn child’s life, praying to God and rebuking the devil because he has no power! Only thing I ask if you could stand with me in prayer 🙏🏻

Blessings to you and your family ❤️


I wholeheartedly believe that the Lord Jesus put this video in front of me when I needed it most. This is my 8th pregnancy (5 living kiddos). I am currently experiencing dropping hcg levels. While I was spending HOURS crying and researching this, Your beautiful and powerful video popped up! You are doing the Lord's work and you have lifted me up and gave me faith again.Thank you!!!! In Jesus name I will carry this baby to term and he will be healthy!!!!


Please stand with me. They could not find a heartbeat at 8 weeks but, I am believing that I will not miscarry and they will find the heartbeat at my next scan.


I know what the doctor told me today but the physician of physicians, Doctor Jesus hasn't spoken yet! Breathe the breath of life and allow this child to grow strong in my womb, Lord Jesus! I believe 🕊❤🕊


I gave the devil so much power when I was told that I have blighted ovum this week at 7 weeks. I know now that I can have jesus christ feel my womb and proof the devil wrong when i go back dec 9th there will be a baby. I give all glory to God and pray that I will not miscarriage and he will feel my womb. You gave me so much faith thank you so much.


i’m having a threatened miscarriage & i believe god will turn it out around & work a miracle! ♥️


I’m standing in the gap for me, my husband, my 10 year old daughter and my unborn child today. I went to my first ultrasound and I measured 6 weeks and there was a gestational sac and a yolk sac(what looked like the start of an early pregnancy) there was no baby:embryo or a heartbeat at that time and I was told to return in 8 days. I go on June 16th to see if the baby had grown and if there is a heart beat. I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and this time I just didn’t feel that. I knew it my heart this baby was mine and I had already claimed and received it I the name of Jesus. I believe in my heart this is a boy. I know the devil is a liar and he comes to steal, kill and destroy. Please stand with me and hold me up that my baby will continue to develop in the name of Jesus. I know nothing is impossible with God and o stand on that. Please pray for me.


Dear God, I am watching this on the 14/02/2024… and I will be back to testify of your goodness… my babies cardiac activities shall be detected in our next appointed. I trust in you… don’t put me to shame❤
