BREAKING: Explosions in Iran, Has Israel Started Bombing?

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"Sharp-witted, persuasive, and inspiring, calling out toxic Republicans, politely-ineffectual Democrats, and mealy-mouthed media mavens in equal measure, JUSTICE IS COMING will give heart to Democrats and progressives who seek to change our politics and society for the better.

The media can’t stop talking about the gridlock in Washington, as if a handful of stubborn Republicans are the only thing standing between us and a fully-functional democracy. The reality is that our government has been taken over by big business and their allies in both political parties. The getaway driver in this heist was corporate media. The good news is that the American people are very progressive. And soon progressives will take over Washington as well! And when they do, the great majority of Americans will love it.

In JUSTICE IS COMING: How Progressives Are Going to Take Over the Country and America Is Going to Love It (On sale: September 19, 2023), The Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur presents two ideas that counter everything we hear from pundits and politicians on a daily basis: one, progressives are correct on all issues, and two, America is actually a very progressive country. Millions of us know that we are a part of something larger, a movement that is already transforming Washington.

JUSTICE IS COMING, a compulsively readable manifesto, seeks to apply the momentum progressives have already built to a concrete progressive agenda that activists, voters, and citizens can all rally around. JUSTICE IS COMING looks beyond Trump to the larger historical forces that have given us this unique political moment, and explains why we should fight, how we should fight, and how we will win."

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Рекомендации по теме

We said if Israel strikes back then they are on their own, we need to be out of this, my brother and sister military members don't need to die in an Israel war


Lockheed Martin is rubbing their hands like Birdman


Not one pair of American boots should be deployed to Isreal!!


I have said this many times, if 'the draft' started from the TOP down, conflict would STOP in it's tracks, and NEVER start!


Netanyahu knows he can avoid getting ousted from power so long as he remains a war time president.


My Son just got out of the Army. He received notice that he is on standby . Already WTF he just got out and has a great paying job. Screw these corporate a holes.


Cenk I was not a fan but I am now I agree with you! We should have universal healthcare etc instead of paying for Israel


I blame Netanyahu for ALL of this. EVERYTHING . the Gaza attack, Hamas, Israel, Palestine, embassy attack, both responses by Iran/Israel, US involvement. EVERYTHING.


My son is in the national guard cringing at the idea that he get deployed to a senseless war


There's nothing like flushing Americans tax money down the toilet 😡


My son is a tailgunner in the Air Force right now. Every time I see a story like this my heart sinks. I lived in the Middle East for 3 years when I was a kid. This is not our war. Frankly I dislike both sides of this situation.


We must all tell our congress, local politicians, senators and president we don't want a war and our tax dollars funding this war!


Welp, this is worse news than most people realize.
Buy a bicycle.


Every time the U.S. sends aid to Ukraine and Israel, every middle class family should get a stimulus check.


US: we wont participate in your retaliation. Wink wink.


We the people do not want our money funding anymore wars overseas!!! We the people do not want anymore of our people to die overseas!!! We the people are tired of putting our country in danger over wars happening overseas!!! We the people believe our government should focus strictly on improving America and let the other countries fight their own battles!!!

Who's with me?


Its not just because of us cenk its because you have a human heart and brave to voice out the massacre of human especially kids. For this thank u cenk and anna to be brave and be on the side of the truth!


Giving other countries money while we have American cities are in disarray 😅


While Netanyahu, son, chilling in Miami avoiding the draft that just goes to show people that’s rich kids don’t fight the war, decent poor people and middle class to fight the words for them


Bring the draft back, but prioritize it by first by top income brackets. Watch how fast war goes away.
