Extraterrestrial Life in the Universe: Journey to Alien Worlds #documentary #space #astronomy

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🌍 Traces of extraterrestrial life have fascinated scientists and the general public for decades. The universe, vast and mysterious, could harbor life forms beyond our planet. Technological advances and recent discoveries have rekindled hopes of finding signs of extraterrestrial life. From the search for micro-organisms on Mars to the analysis of exoplanets in the habitable zone, astronomers are multiplying their efforts to detect traces of life. Space missions, state-of-the-art telescopes and studies of planetary atmospheres are all valuable tools in this quest. Discovering extraterrestrial life forms would be a major scientific revolution, changing our understanding of the universe and our place within it. Theories abound, hypotheses multiply, but one question remains: are we really alone in the universe? Every day, researchers scan the stars, looking for the slightest clue, hoping one day to answer this fascinating enigma.

🔥 As a reminder, videos are published on SUNDAYS at 9pm.


💥 Are we alone in the universe? :
- This question was generalized by Italian physicist Enrico Fermi.
In 1950, while debating the possibility of extraterrestrial life with his friends, Fermi formulated a series of questions :
Today, they are known as the Fermi paradox.
Why haven't we found any traces of extraterrestrial life, when the Sun is far from being the oldest star in our Galaxy?
Other civilizations must have lived before us.
Even if they are now extinct, why haven't we found any traces of them?
Scientists believe that mankind on Earth could be detected from the farthest reaches of the Solar System.
In the course of time, hypotheses to answer Fermi's paradox have multiplied.
The most radical is that the probability of the appearance of life may ultimately be very low, and that Earth was the only winner of this lottery.
Perhaps we really are desperately alone in the Universe.
But there are other hypotheses.
Perhaps life began everywhere else, but was annihilated by cosmic events.
So it could never have reached the advanced stage we know today on Earth.
Perhaps extraterrestrial life does exist, but only in the form of microbial, plant, mineral or animal life.
Or perhaps intelligent life does exist, but interstellar travel is impossible, or forbidden by extraterrestrial civilizations.
Perhaps extraterrestrials can't or don't wish to make contact with us.
It's likely that they simply haven't found us yet.
We may not even be on their list of potentially habitable planets to explore.
Perhaps other civilizations have developed differently from us.
They haven't developed technology similar to ours, and so have devised alternative means of communication, for example.
Or, on the contrary, maybe we're the ones who aren't technologically advanced enough.
Maybe we're incapable of detecting extraterrestrial life.
Extraterrestrials send us signals, but we're unable to detect them.
Perhaps life exists elsewhere, but is undetectable.
For example, at the bottom of an ocean protected by a layer of ice.
Perhaps, on the scale of the Universe, the search for extraterrestrial life from Earth is still too recent.
Maybe we're the first intelligent life form in the Universe, and others will follow, but our civilization will be extinct by then.
We won't be around to see it.
Maybe the aliens are avoiding us, because they're afraid of us.
Or perhaps, .... the aliens are already among us...?

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Estimate all you want, as of today there is zero evidence. Somewhere life has to be the first.
