Tree Traversal in Data Structure | Infix to Postfix | inorder and preorder is given find postorder

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Solution of Most Difficult MCQs on Tree Traversal in Data Structure
inorder and preorder is given find postorder
infix to postfix conversion
1.The reverse Polish notation of the following infix expression [A*{B+C*(D+E)}] / {F*(G+H)} is
2.Consider the traversal of a tree
Which of the following is correct Post order traversal?
3.The pre-order traversal of a binary search tree is given by 12,8,6,2,7,9,10,16,15,19,17,20. Then the post-order traversal of this tree is
4.A binary search tree is constructed by inserting the following numbers in order :60,25,72,15,30,68,101,13,18,47,70,34
The number of nodes in the left subtree is
inorder and preorder is given find postorder
infix to postfix conversion
1.The reverse Polish notation of the following infix expression [A*{B+C*(D+E)}] / {F*(G+H)} is
2.Consider the traversal of a tree
Which of the following is correct Post order traversal?
3.The pre-order traversal of a binary search tree is given by 12,8,6,2,7,9,10,16,15,19,17,20. Then the post-order traversal of this tree is
4.A binary search tree is constructed by inserting the following numbers in order :60,25,72,15,30,68,101,13,18,47,70,34
The number of nodes in the left subtree is
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