Willingness to pay for sustainable coffee | W. P. Carey Research
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When you order a cup of coffee, less than 1% of that sale goes to the producer. As coffee usage continues to increase all around the world, the discussion about growing and harvesting it sustainably becomes more important. Sustainably grown coffee has many benefits, but how do we get consumers to understand this and be willing to pay for it? Carola Grebitus, Associate Professor & Dean's Council Distinguished Scholar in W. P. Carey’s Morrison School of Agribusiness, and her Ph. D. student Katherine Fuller, created hypothetical auctions designed to understand how a customer values a product. This auction allowed consumers to have a better understanding of sustainable labels, but will it have an effect on their willingness to pay?
W. P. Carey School of Business at ASU.
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W. P. Carey School of Business at ASU.
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