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emilia perez movie review 2024 im sorry
zoe saldana karla sofia gascon selena gomez type ting ya kno
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Completely agree with everything you said. As a Mexican person though, this film leaves even more to be desired. All three lead actresses struggled with their accent (none of them were Mexican) and in particular Selena Gomez. I just never was able to immerse myself in the story. It's like watching a period piece set in London where the lead actor has an American southern twang. Just feels like the filmmakers wanted to use Mexico without giving anything back to it, and it's certainly not a film that had Mexicans in mind for the audience. The fact that the film was all pretty much shot in Paris says it all.


Exactly my thoughts! Too much information for a single script. The songs' lyrics sound absolutely cheesy in Spanish (for a native Spanish speaker). Some parts of the movie feel very cringey, and Selena's accent is pretty strong whenever she speaks/sings in Spanish. Karla Sofia, on the other hand, has a wonderful voice. It'd have been amazing if the director let her sing more songs and upgraded the lyrics and music.


A lot of this is simply using our culture and our problems as an aesthetic, to sell themselves as Latinos even though they are not, and I am tired of seeing people from the US put on a label to feel like they belong to something even if they have never experienced it.


Selena Gomez did awfully in this role. I understand she’s supposed to be an American who didn’t learn Spanish as their first language but it’s clear she’s never been around Spanish speakers or taken the time to consume Spanish media. She sounds as if aliens came down and were using ChatGPT to create scripts and interact with us in English. I’m not sure how else to describe this phenomenon. I grew up in Texas and Southern California with Mexican Americans who didn’t fluently speak Spanish but even when they try they don’t sound like this because they’ve truly grown up around the language. It baffles me how many awards this film has been given, and proves we need more Latinos in film making because what the fuck???


This movie is an insult to all of us in México who have suffered from Narc*


You were ahead of the curve. This movie is overhyped garbage and many ppl are discovering that.


A mess is exactly what it was. It didn't do justice to any of the topics it tried to deal with... The editing was jarring and downright baffling at times, the messages pandering and poorly executed, and a mexican it felt foreign and sensationalist.. baffling it's getting such high regard..


I wish you luck in these comments brother


Dude why would you apologise for having an opinion? It's all good.


So glad I’m not alone on this movie. Saw this at Cannes and I don’t understand how people clapped 9 minutes for it. Yeah I know Jacques Audiard is great I like Dheepan love “Un prophète”but this one is just not for me. It’s frustrating to watch a film you know you should like but ends up with not liking it at all


This movie sucked ass. A truly bad film. Zoe was OK but not award worthy imo. 2/10.


I personally loved emilia perez. it was refreshing and the musical numbers were really inventive!


Well we can't like all movies. But I've been seeing how this movie is being treated by Cannes, TIFF, and other important bodies, and something tells me this is gonna be a long Oscar season for you. Good luck FilmDrunk, it ain't fun watching a movie you don't like win Oscars.


As a native speaker this movie sounds like nails on a chalkboard, you can really tell none of the actresses are mexican and it’s funny the way the movie bends itself to justify this, Selena is american, although she comes from a mexican family and has been living in mexico for years; Zoe is dominican but she doesn’t sound dominican either; Karla doesn’t master the accent but at least you can tell she knows what she is saying. The other two is like they’re just doing random sounds with their mouths.
But also for non spanish speakers, do you guys not hear the songs sound awful as well? Like just musically speaking they are so grating on the ears


When I watched it I felt like it's a polarizing film - you either love it to death or hate it to bits. I'm part of the former... the film was astounding to me and I've never quite seen anything like it before.


Selena’s Spanish was horrendous, I think native speakers probably won’t like the movie too much just cuz it takes you out of it when she starts speaking Spanish


If a Babylon fan calls something a mess then it must reeeally be a mess haha


I completely agree!! Thanks for expressing what I felt and not many people are saying 😇 I think that the film is ambitious, but the story doesn't hold up. I found it absurd and, at times, goofy. I felt like the whole conflict could have been solved with an easy character decision, and the musical numbers were original, but not very memorable. Only the last song really made me feel something. There is a section in the middle, where there is basically no conflict and I was almost bored. Despite the good intention behind it, I think that it tries to do too many things at the same time. And how do you make such a film without a Mexican actress in one of the main roles! In my opinion, there are much better candidates for the Best International Feature category.


I always appreciate your honesty with your reviews. You admire your audience, and respect us, but you don't pander to us. Thanks, keep it up!


Too each his own. Haven't seen it yet. But some people would say Babylon is a mess....and I'm some people.
