“I’M NOT JOE BIDEN” Prove it. Please. | Ep. 328 The Michael Moore Podcast

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With just two weeks left until the election, Vice President Harris still won’t clearly say what she’ll do differently from Biden to end the U.S. taxpayer-funded slaughter of Gaza’s civilian population. Every poll shows the American people want a ceasefire now. If that’s what the people want, and you want to be their president, why won’t you support what the people want? They don’t want us to be Netanyahu’s bank and arms dealer. Why is that so hard to understand? Why are we risking losing Michigan and the election?

Kamala. Please.


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Even if Harris made a public apology the media would just talk about Trump. They don’t cover her the same way that they do the DonOld.


I don't know if it makes a difference, but I've been writing her at the White House every day. I'm a JVP member too, and thank you for speaking out.


I’m a republican (hate me all you want) but I’ve always respected Moore and his work.


Many thanks for sharing your heart and soul with all of us.


ندعم بقوة مايكل مور michael moore من أجل الحفاظ على أرضنا من جشع "الحيوانات المفترسة"


Finally. Michael we need you!!! She has really blown it.


I agree about the horrible situation in Gaza but she does not have the power to act now and she cant undermine her president.


Your not helping, be careful with your interpretation. There iis no fixing another country when we are desperately trying to save our own.


Thank you Michael! Please this podcast to her campaign! I completely agree with you. We are all participants in all the deaths in Gaza in these almost 13 months.


Why not make mention of how Trump went to see Netanyahu in a private meeting..What do you think that was about? To have a cease fire? NOT!


Much respect Michael. I truly hope someone gets this podcast to her. You’re a good man, and I truly believe she is a decent person and fighter. I just can’t wrap my head around what we as a country will be and do if Trump and the dangerous people around him get control.


Michael, I hear what you are saying. It's too long in the tooth to upset this apple cart. Let's get to the finish line to keep Trump out of Washington. Then, on to holding our Democracy responsibly! Love to you! from a Jewish Elder in America watching and waiting for this next revelation in our government...A liberal woman at the helm!! K A M A L A!! 💙🩵💙


I hope Kamala Harris does what you propose. I agree that she needs to give an important message toward the Palestinian, Arab, Muslim community in the U.S. She does need to be careful in her language, but she is smart and can successfully carry this off. No matter what you know that Trump, Fox and its ilk are going to distort her message, but she needs to do this.


It is more than just getting on stage and saying something about peace. She has to actually be willing to act in the name of peace. She hasn’t given us any reason to think that she will. on the contrary, she keeps saying she wouldn’t have done anything different and she won’t change the policy. She’s aligning herself with the Cheneys, Bill Kristol, etc. She keeps talking like a neo-con about making a the most lethal military etc. I know it’s hard to accept some times but she isnt the person you were hoping she was.


@Michael Moore, you are either in the game or not. Fear and negativity are mind muddlers. Please do not attract what you don't want by focusing on it. Focus on what we all want, need, must have to survive, to bring out the good and best in all people. The details can come later. Thank You. ~Be Well🕊☮


You have been a voice for many decades and for many people on numerous issues and you have been educating us keeping it real, there’s no contest that you are awesome 💙
That said, I do have a criticism of your position on our democratic leaders, you came out hard on Biden at the most critical moment in our political process you played a huge role in bringing the strikes against war but instead of trying to condemn war, it turned out you put the blame on Biden himself ‼️ smh
And now you’re doing it to Harris⁉️
You know it better than anyone that we have to defeat trump but yet your criticism against democrats leader coming at a very wrong moment and it’s hurting democrats chance of winning against the biggest threat to our democracy 😢
Why? Why now? Just why⁉️


It's about time. I've been looking for your podcast for so many days because I know you had something important to say. Everything's you predicted that Donald Trump was going to win in 2016 you caught my attention.


Thank you, Michael. This message meant a lot. I'm sorry this wisdom will fall on deaf ears as far as the Harris campaign, but it needed to be said.


Now is the time for Harris to make a break from the Biden administration and state that she will do some things differently even if those statements create a rift between her and Biden. If she doesn't then she is Biden and I am disgusted.


Why I left the left...and moved further left.
