The Message of the Left Is So Bleak | Premier Danielle Smith

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This is a clip from our episode with Premier Danielle Smith. In it, she details the bleak message for the future espoused by the Left, and the much brighter one she hopes will take root on the Right.


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Even my wife who is a Chinese immigrant from the early 80s is tired of this anti white bs in Canada, she says no more immigration in Canada, man I love that woman


There have always been struggles. My parents grew up in the depression but their attitude towards children was "there is always room for one more". We kids wore hand-me-downs, ate baloney for lunch, and took simple vacations. Part of the problem with today's young couples is that their expectations are so much higher.


Dr Peterson,
I’ve been a psychotherapist for 35+ years.
As a licensed psychotherapist since 1995, then earning my PhD in Clinical Psychology in 1999; I’ve seen how the psychological field has always have some compelling aspects, as well as some that are complete BS.
I don’t know if you read these comments Dr. Peterson, but I feel you are one of the few voices of reason in our profession and I greatly appreciate listening to your interviews.
I find you to be highly intelligent & knowledgeable, yet still maintaining a posture of remaining teachable. Some have accused you of being narcissistic but I think that’s false, and mainly a function of your high level of intelligence and somewhat pedantic manner of speech. It probably makes the nay-sayers feel inferior and it’s easier to dismiss you than realize they have a lot of room for continued growth & learning.
I find you to be extremely humble yet confident, and I admire your commitment towards honesty….even though it has been costly for you with regards to the licensing body overseeing your profession and the world of academia.
I’ve had a pretty radical life and, despite a multitude of poor decisions plus a handful of wise choices; I’ve been blessed beyond belief.
I’ve learned a lot from you, and I’ve had many of my conclusions validated through your analysis of humanity and a variety of other relevant topics.
Thank you 🙏 for what you do!
It’s an encouraging breath of fresh air in an arena of typically non-sensical hype.
Dr Richie aka
Dr Richard Creighton Cole


I grew up in Alberta in the 80s and 90s and it was great. We always lived in a house with full front and back yard were able to take family vacations yearly and lived a really comfortable middle class life. Now because of my career I'm stuck between Montreal and Toronto, am substantially poorer than my parents were at my age will never own house anywhere near the size and comfort as the one I grew up in (or any house for that matter). Its as though the government's first priority, above all else is to keep people poor. They don't want a middle class. They want a micro elite of politicians and celebrities and a mass of subsistence living serfs. Every action they take is an attack on our quality of life and if you try and vote them out well they'll just import "New Canadians" to replace you and keep themselves in power.


Who else is SICK of Antiwhiteism ravaging Canada? 🇨🇦🙋🏼


JP should interview Blaine Higgs, Premier of New Brunswick too. His party is doing some good work pushing back the Woke tide of nihilistic despair.


I'm from Toronto, I know several people who have moved to Alberta, or at least away from here. No hope, no future, no opportunities here.


"Without a vision the people perish"


It’s not just that. It’s the government has put us in a spot where the average person can’t afford to raise a kid, let alone figure out how to provide for themselves. The full time employee pay hasn’t risen much and everything that is needed to live has just skyrocketed. Housing is 8-9x more expensive today than it was when you were in your 20s.


Unless current economic conditions change, the pessimistic sentiment will persist. Many young people are struggling just to stay afloat. There's a lot more that needs to be done than merely selling a hopeful message. Grocery prices are out of control, people can't afford to buy homes, and our purchasing power is being eroded thanks to unfettered inflation.


If you are considering moving to Alberta, it is no where near far enough. Either fight for your human rights where you are or get the hell out of 🇨🇦


Gen Z and millennials can’t even afford decent homes. Where do you expect them to house those children you’re encouraging them to have? Life is expensive as hell these days! Jordan, I usually agree with your pov, but you’re seeing life the way it was when you were young. It’s a different world.


Having you two folks speak on this gives me hope for my grand kids....!


To make it to the promised land, you need to struggle through the desert and defeat enemies that want you dead or enslaved. Then you need to free the promised land of those that confiscated it.
It is a daunting task that only the brave and faithful will undertake. Only the brave are free.


If you arecoming to Alberta because the government where you are from has turned everything to crap, REMEMBER that is why you are leaving and leave it behind.


I love you both, but let’s face the reality..we need to put a halt on the people coming here for now. We have Canadians born and raised here and are actively looking for work, and not able to get anything. A lot of BC will be fleeing here so for me I will always defend our own people, first.


So it is. But I’m sensing a sea change. I’m feeling more hopeful than I was a week ago. Longing for Dr. Peterson’s perspective on recent events.
At the moment I am listening to “Twelve Rules for Life” on audiobook. I read it, of course, when I was writing my “Twelve Rules for Life” essay series. But listening to Dr. Peterson read it to me is a different experience and I’m getting more out of listening while I’m working or doing chores.
With love from Ruth Anne


Praying always Mr. Peterson you come to knowledge of the TRUTH. With your platform can help others ❤


Absolutely love seeing your journey to the Lord, i prayed you would see the good side within the last few years and you definitely have, thank you Dr Peterson and everyday thank God 🙏


Thank you for the explanation of the story of Moses sending scouts forming 2 groups of people. Eventually new leaders show up.
