SMITE - Welcome to Hera's Odyssey

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Pretty sure Hera’s odyssey started a while ago. But this is still a nice Video.


"Hera is ready, to embark on the Queen's Odyssey. The real question is, are you?"

*checks wallet*



Nope it is expensive and i'm broke.


My wallet is closed to you Hi-Rez. You disappoint me.


Cersei Lannister Hera skin (Argus= Mountain) pls or
Snow Day Hera skin (Argus = snowman)


I play this game every day because my friends/clan always make it fun. But a few things we constantly grope about is:

1. Hera's is ridiculous. Like really, the cooldown on Argus is STUPID. His normal CD is already not bad plus 1 sec off for every BASIC AND ABILITY!?! So ridiculously OP, you guys just cant seem to get your buffs right.

2. You (Hi-Rez) want people to invest into your games. But you are requiring 400-600 gems PER SKIN which equals to 5 Odyssey Points? Are you high? Your not-so-high Tier skins are already over priced. Your chests are over priced and suck. A play like me literally dedicates 7 days playing (or at least login) and I get a total of 50 gems, 200 for a month? I could understand microtransactions if 800 gems didnt cost $15 and I could get more than a skin and half. Quit milking us Hi-Rez before you really kill off your already dying game.


I'm sad there is no narrative videos of the story with lady of the lore voicing it and the price for the odyssey items increased. This year I'm not putting any money and just using free gems.


You guys ruined your game with the huge push on micro transactions.
It's all so greedy it feels like I'm playing a game about ads.
It would of been fine if you had it set up simple like fortnight, and made the skins somewhere between 1$-10$
But holy hell! Having to pay over 200$?!? Just to get a cosmetic is insane and pathetic on your part.
I know you have a season ticket now, but honestly... it is lack luster, and it is clear you only want to put lack luster things in it (save the final reward) to make your more expansive items more appealing.

Now warframe has deals in store that can be costly. 20-100$ packs and such.
But you see. That is for the impatient and the rich.
BUT! you can get all those things free by playing the game. Which btw makes the skins much more worth getting.
Because you get to say "I worked for that" "I obtained that with skill, patience and vigilance"

Either your company is doing really bad on sales (probably because everything is expensive as all hell)
Or you went from Game Developers into Greedy salesman.

Now before that one anus for a mouth troll comes in saying "they are just skins, get over yourself 🙄 smh"
Ya, I know they are just skins that make no impact on gameplay.
But you got to realize that after awhile, the game gets boring, characters get boring.
Skins can refresh the feeling of a God you play making it fun again.
And also, it just simply is vary exhausting seeing everything marketed.
It is like surfing the web without ad block.
And lastly dame it, a lot of us have bills to pay and food to buy!

(For the uniformed. I decided to do some research, you can as well to fact check me. But what I found, and to make an already long story short.
If you managed to do allll of the quests and challenges. Got the discounts even. The lowest amount of gems for the T5 pre-purchase locked Ares skin can be between 7000-8000 gems, in total.
That is still 100$ worth of gems, and that is only if you have absolutely no life outside of smite to finish every quest, keep up the weekly logins, take advantage of discounts and grind for hours on end each day.)


Im surprised she hasnt gotten a skin yet during these patches


*To bad ya gotta buy everything from the event to get it*


Im still hoping that they'll release a new Chang'e skin this Odyssey.. I know that they already released Countess skin this year, but I literally obtained everything, except that skin from that chest..


Welcome to Heras gift shop. Buy our garbage and spend 100+ or more dollars to get this thing that you and others have mass quantities of. (Dramatic bum bum bum) SKINS!! (Screams)


This years odyssey is awful. The skins are bland or just terrible and the new format is atrocious.

I’ve bought out every previous odyssey but this year I haven’t bought anything.


My odyssey quests glitched out and just stopped appearing before I could even complete 3. It stopped on quest 2 and nothing else will show up. My friend was already on quest 11 at that point so I know I should still have more quests


Anubis Odessy skins were 400 gems next year 500 gems now it's 600 gems. Hi rez is getting really greedy.


After 4 years i might actually reinstall smite, because of the domination return. Finally a reason to play smite.


Smite toma vergonha na cara e começa a gasta dinheiro para fazer novos trailers para chama atençao de mais pessoas, faz anúncio do seu jogo q é muito bom mas se contínua assim vocês nunca irao sair da sombra do legue of legends e Dota2 porque o último trailer q saiu bom de vcs ja faz 2 ou 3 anos.


How does match making match my level 156 with a guy who buys no items at least he got his relics and to be fair to them they somehow got a kill


The lore that's added every patch is a nice read. I don't suppose we can get it read out by Lorelady sometime?


Not spending how much...$300 $400 on this game imma just stick wit the 50 gem skins
