What is a Data Clean Room?

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A data clean room keeps personal user data private, but useful information -- like demographics, browsing acticity, purchase history, and more -- available to marketers. Data clean rooms are particularly important with privacy regulations and the death of third-party cookies.

Do you think data clean rooms are a promising user data privacy solution? Why or why not? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and be sure to hit that like button, too.

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Because you asked ... IMHO, Data Cleanroom is the starting point for ensuring data privacy and sovereignty. As long as my data is residing with in someone else's server, it is susceptible to leaks. DLT (Distributed Ledger) and Web3 are based upon the premise that my data stays encrypted with my private key, and hence none can access it without my permission. This model is clearly orthogonal to the centralised server model we have at present, but whenever it gets adopted at scale, the Data Privacy problem will be solved forever.

Nice clear introduction to the topic though. Thanks for posting the video.


good snapshot, but with the limited info you have saying that a clean room is a solution to cookie privacy problems is kind a bold statement. Encryption itself is not equal to anonymisation and your question is difficult to answer without knowing (1) what exactly you do to anonymise data and (2) which data / metadata is eventually shared with marketing providers. Any privacy practitioner knows that a true anonymisation is rarely achievable in practice or cost-inefficient