US FDA Writes a Letter to Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMBs)

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US FDA Writes a Letter to Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMBs)

US FDA is working hard to protect individuals from IVM. Let's review their letter dated December 13th 2021 to FSMBs.

#drbeen #koolbeens #COVID

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A letter which is silent on the concerns millions of us have about the vaccines themselves. Bureaucratic selectivity at it's best.


As a final comment, I'm stunned and ashamed at the callous disregard for human life that the FDA and other "organizations" has exhibited. Let us not forget those now in the cemeteries, young and old alike, who died UNNECESSARILY due to greed and bureaucracy.


The fact that they are so vociferous in their objection to a drug with such a safety record is suspicious on its face. Why? Why the obsession with such a benign drug? I've completely lost my faith in our institutions. The corruption is so deep.


I’m reading between the lines. If I’m right, Dr. Been is saying if they’re going to investigate the safety of ivermectin, they need to investigate the safety of a lot of other drugs. (Let’s start with the mRNA vaccines, shall we?)


The FDA, CDC, NIH, and AMA should be outlawed and permanently disbanded.


Let's get this straight. Ivm is an approved med deemed safe over decades, while fizer is experimental and carries no liability if you are harmed. Ivm one time purchase vs potentially spending thousands a month on meds if you are injured or killed due to side effects. Tough decision..


Boy, the FDA is really afraid of ivermectin. They exaggerate the side-effects ( which requires huge doses ), and I'm glad you asked the FDA to mention side-effects for "other drugs." And, your point that the standard guidelines for treating COVID is - to delay therapeutics. All this based-upon the first paragraph about compounding pharmacies - which I think is just an excuse to send the letter as part of their ongoing intimidation process.


It's interesting to note countries which use the drug in question prophylactically now have essentially eradicated the disease. The drug in question is also one of the safest drugs on record. I really wish the FDA was more interested in the public health and not subject to regulatory capture.


I live in Zimbabwe and have been taking IVM weekly or bi-weekly for a year now, with NONE of those side effects. I have also NOT had Covid, despite many of my Vaccinated! work colleagues contracting it. This pandemic could have been over by mid 2020. That it still rages on, is absolutely, sheer money-grubbing wickedness.


FDA has blood in its hands. There is no other way to put it.


Ivermectin is used in Japan specifically for kewfid. 7 days after Japan started using it, the cases dropped dramatically, and now they have zero cases, or close to out. A third of the worlds population has used ivermectin, for various reasons. It also won the Nobel prize. The claims about it being dangerous, or risky, is criminal.


It's good to know, per FD A studies of Ivermectin, Myocarditis was not listed as a side effect.


This video is a great lesson on how to say "this is hypocritical bullshit" without saying "this is hypocritical bullshit".


I admire Dr Been's subtlety. He has to walk on eggs to avoid the gestapo. Some people in the comments misinterpreted what he is saying. Listen to him again and read between the lines a little.


I feel there is way too much trust and beliefs in the FDA being truthful and caring.


Why doesn't FDA send a letter to every doctor to warn all the side effects of the vaccine and booster?


I love that Dr. Been suggests that the FDA also show their concern for people and full disclosure by listing the possible side effects and health risks of the various EUA (emergency use Authorized ) medicines for Covid.

Dr. B I’m impressed with
Your calm outward composure in responding to this FDA letter


So after 2 years of covid raging around the world, the FDA still has no idea whether IVM does or doesn't work for treating covid.... really ?.... What have they been doing all this time ?


We are so blessed to have doctors like you who fight for humanity! You are a true doctor. God bless you & protect you! 🙏🏽


Never in my life would I ever have believed that things that could save lives would be kept from people so openly. They are trying to kill people
