My sister was in custody so I went there immediately and saw her with... [Manga Dub]

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If someone actually tried that to my sister, the cops wouldn’t be saving my sister, they’d be saving HIM


Whoever said that being pretty was a blessing didn't know what they were talking about, whether you are ugly or pretty there will be always a downside


I'm glad Karin does what she can to protect Yuri! What an amazing older sister! 🥰


Name is Yuri:

“To avoid trouble she enrolled in an all girl’s school and began working in a workplace with mostly female employees “

...We all know where this is going....


Crazy. But not so crazy to not be real either. Stalkers do just about anything to get what they want. That's why it's called Fatal Attraction Syndrome and/or Erotomania. Thank God the police asked Karin to come and clear up the situation when they saw Yuri wasn't acting right around her "husband."


If I saw a complete stranger claiming to be my sister's husband terrorizing her my first instinct would be knock him out.


Yuri was nearly kidnapped by that fake imposter.
I am glad that Karin was there to straighten things out.
God know, what that fake imposter was going to do with Yuri.


I’ve had two stalkers and for a while they were both harassing me at the same time. My stay at home mom neighbor counted one stalker driving past my house 25 times, could have been more but she did have to take bathroom breaks and cook for her family. Neither stalker lived in my town and stopped after I moved. The worst one would run up to me, getting between me and my new husband, get into my face and fire off personal questions and demand I dump my husband. This stopped when my husband threatened him. After that he would show up where ever I happened to be and just stare. Creepy!


...Geez, Poor Yuri... Reminds me of Fluttershy.

Aaaand Hiigiri had upgraded to stalker... geez, Guess he got worse after his ex-wife.


When Yuri told her sister too be careful, I thought it was the other way around. 😩😩 I'm still confused about the contact information. HR worker was able to hack the system to change her contact info? I guess cell phones weren't a thing. I'm going to have to watch again.

Ok. I understand: The company they worked for called the company they worked for. The HR guy showed up at the police station.


Yeesh…Good thing the cops called Karin instead of making Yuri leave with Hiiragi. Otherwise, Yuri most likely would had never been heard from again.


Been through the same thing. I look ok but to men I was pretty. Some flirt while other straight up ask me out even though I’m seeing someone. I thought it because of my personality but no. I was sexually assaulted when I was in high school by a middle school kid. The teacher only did was separate us and try to keep him from any contact with me but didn’t stop him doing that to other girls but I was his main target. I still have nightmares about him and I am still afraid of even hearing his name no matter if it someone else with similar name. Therapy try to help but I still afraid that he will find me and try to get close to me.


How could have Yuri “let her guard down” when someone else whom she barely knew, someone with knowledge and privileges she didn’t have at work, change their contact info and last name so others would immediately assume they were married?!?! How could have Yuri seen something like this happen at any workplace?!?! It makes no damn sense to blame yourself for something out of your control!!! This was beyond anything Yuri could have done to protect herself!!! She didn’t let her guard down, because there was nothing she could’ve done to prevent such an act!


Akane doesn't have to enter the scene coz she doesn't stand a chance of yuri's attraction


What goes through someone's head to give them the mindset of being someone's husband just because they changed that person's emergency contact info to their own without that person's knowledge or permission?


I’m amazed the cops didn’t get him out of there when he was making her more agitated before her sister showed up they probably could’ve let her calm down since she was basically in the Fiedel position in the corner


I'm not that attractive at all. Sometimes I wish I was and am trying to improve my looks and take better care of myself. However, I do understand how she felt. No matter how attractive you might think you are or aren't, there will always be nut cases who will try to get with you or invade your personal space for many different reasons. So it's best to always be careful.


I think instead of the word “kidnapped” they could have used the word “taken” instead


Boy that stalker is crazy to get what he wants he really needs to be fired and arrested.


Aww, poor yuri's got the protagonist charm on her!
