Paul's Top 5 Tips for Surviving a Self Defense Shooting

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Paul discusses his top 5 tips for surviving a self defense shooting.

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I know you don't promote or advertise uscca but I want to inform your viewers that uscca won't answer a collect call from jail and they only take cases that fit their standards. I didn't shoot but I drew on my stalker that lived next door to me who I had 2 police reports on for threats and setting ambush at a grocery store parking lot just to threaten me with violence. I drew on him because he started threatening me at my truck which was parked between his front door and mine at a ghetto strip mall resi/ commercial property and he went inside his place, shoot the door and then came running out behind my truck and I couldn't see his hands and when he made it around the back corner of my truck bed I drew. I had it all on video, ussca denied me a defense attorney and then the DA dropped all charges. But I spent the night in jail, of course. I'm looking into attorneys on retainer now.


My biggest gripe with Paul is he always says he could "bore" us for an hour with anecdotes, but he never does 🤬


22:00 My sister had an argument with an anti-gunner at work. The other woman said that nobody needed a gun for self-protection, they should just fight back. My sister asked if she should just let a big strong man murder her. The woman said "Well maybe it's just your time." (First of all, what the?) So my sister said "If I shoot the guy, maybe it's just his time."


"You've got to take responsibility for what you say and do". Imagine how much better the world would be if everyone tried to do that.


When I went to my concealed carry class for the state of Utah, my instructor was an older police officer from Provo. He was very knowledgeable and was extremely quick to correct misconceptions and teach proper respect for the law and bystanders. To comment on your first point, "The best way to win a fight is to avoid it." This instructor was off duty one day and needed to go to Walmart for a gallon of milk. No big drama, until he gets to the door, and there is a five-foot-nothing woman screaming at her six-foot-five boyfriend. Being off-duty police, and seeing that these two were blocking the entrance, he approached them to ask them to step a few feet aside so customers could get in and out. He says he was watching the man since he had almost a foot on him, and as he started to speak, the woman pulled a knife she had hidden on her and stabbed him in the chest. It collapsed his lung, and the doctors in Provo failed 3 times to reinflate it before finally getting him into a stable condition. He told us that he learned 2 VERY important things that day; Never leave home without his firearm, and never step into a fight that hasn't invited you in.
Thanks for your videos Paul, I always appreciate hearing your take on things like this.


I’m a Marine Vet and former marksmanship shooting coach and have been a Texas State police firearms instructor for over 20 years, and this is the guy I listen to.


1. Avoid situation if you can.
2. Have firearm ready to go.
3. Balance speed and accuracy.
4. Be willing to do what you need to do in order to survive.
5. Remain silent until you have legal representation.


I know this will sound hyperbolic, but I don't mean it that way: Paul Harrell should be a household name. He's a voice of reason to the degree few others in public life are.


#2 is so often neglected. We all probably know a lot of people who say things like, "I always carry if I'm going to a bad area." Doesn't matter where you are, when you find yourself in a self-defense encounter, it is a bad area to be.


Good advice. I recently saw a quote from a former SWAT Officer about avoiding bad situations. "Dont go anywhere WITH your gun, that you normally wouldnt go WITHOUT your gun".


Paul Harrell, you are the exceptional, shining example within the shooting world. Your lessons have shaped and affected me, the guardian of my home, and therefore have made my family more safe. May God be with you.


A common theme when I've taken new shooters to the pistol range is they mention how disappointed they are that they didn't hit the bullseye. When they say that, I retrieve the target and hold it over my chest to show how effective a missed bullseye can be.


Props to Paul for talking about the police interaction aspect. Anyone whos been through this situation knows that the police are NOT on your side. They want that conviction. NEVER speak to the police without your lawyer present, period.


I have an excellent anecdote about a guy trying to help a woman getting roughed up by her boyfriend at a bar. The good guy tried to jump in and defend her and the boyfriend hit him over the head with a beer bottle. The bottle broke and glas cut one of his eyes that ended up blinding him. The cops showed up and the girlfriend said that the good guy was trying to sexualy assault her and the boyfriend defended her. The good guy ended up being blinded in one eye and went to jail.


I love how *precise and deliberate* he is with his words.


"Shut up" is a great life advice. Silence is golden


Thank you for your time and energy. These video's are like a Father's advice for people with a bad Dad or no Dad.


Even a gloomy day gets brightened by the essence of Sir Harrell.


From the perfect guy to speak on the subject no less.


I have an anecdote for number 2. A while ago my mother and father were out camping at a place very close to a prison. Odd place for a campground, I know, but the town there and the people in it are always nice and friendly, you'd never guess that there's a prison there if it wern't for the signs. However, one evening they hear the prison sirens go off and the park rangers inform everyone there's been a prison break and everyone needs to lock their doors and not let any strange people into their RV/camper. Of course, Mother is terrified, but Father assures her they'll be fine and if something does happen he as a gun.

Now, the gun he was talking about was a lever action .22. Which is probably adequate and certainly better than not having a gun at all. Except it wasn't in the camper, it was out in the pickup. Which was parked over in the next lot. With the doors locked. And the gun was stuffed behind the seat under a bunch of junk. And probably not loaded

I don't get many opportunities to make fun of Dad, so believe me when I say I've gotten good mileage out of this one
