Gary Haugen: The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now

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Collective compassion has meant an overall decrease in global poverty since the 1980s, says civil rights lawyer Gary Haugen. Yet for all the world's aid money, there's a pervasive hidden problem keeping poverty alive. Haugen reveals the dark underlying cause we must recognize and act on now.

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Sadly this made me realize that how much of a privilege it is to have basic safety and how lucky it is to be to live a life without experiencing any violence or unwanted tragedy.


Mind blown this was a wake up call for me! great talk!


It is unfortunate that some people do not understand the message of this TED talk.  The point is, the $$ that will be spent in foreign aid anyway should be directed to programs that will make a difference in the long-run; programs to provide better law enforcement, specifically.  If you are capable of understanding the problem and can analyze the proposed solutions using logic and compassion, you will likely see that he has a very good point.  Why not give it a try?  It just might help improve the dire circumstances those poor people are living in, right?


This ted talk deserves way more views, i don t understand why such elaborate and educationnal and eye openning speeches never get the recognition they deserve


Thank you so much for this very powerful discussion and for making the connection of violence to poverty, which seems clear, but as a human community we do need to talk and to act.  This was excellent, and it is crucial that we contribute in any way to ending violence at home, in our communities, as well as globally.  The heart of human compassion is at the center of making the changes necessary to help and care for one another.  THANK YOU again for your contributions and for helping to raise awareness of these crucial issues around the world.


Gary - Thank you for making this issue an advocation for your life and making this effort to dispel our ignorance concerning yet another ugly truth concerning predation of the poor and powerless. I hope some real and lasting good comes of your work...


Amazing talk! there was a few times I was about to cry. However, this leads me to another question: "where is the violence rooted?" Keep asking question it seems to come to a lot of objective reasons, the ambient conditions which seem to take us a long journey to resolve.


The most powerful TED talk I ever heard. Speaking from Africa, what Haugen says is nothing but the truth. If only the world including Africans would listen to him and have some compassion for their fellow human beings.


"Through judging, we separate. Through understanding, we grow."


This brilliant talk is a perfect example of how TED is helping to improve our world.


so far i thought food, water, and the home are more needed to overcome the poverty.but you made me think in other direction also. thank you for the taught provoking idea.


It's a shame no one clapped at 16:55! Amazing talk


Important Talk of Awareness about violence/ lack of law enforcement globally.


I am from El Salvador, and I can assure you that for us this is not a hidden reason at all. It is the most obvious one.


The police, politicians, law and lawyers do a great job of keeping us poor too.


Thanks a lot for your amazing thought provoking views which helped in broadening my perspective.I totally agree with points put forward by you in the tedX talk. I believe corruption by government agents is also a reason due to which poor people don't receive benefits of funds allocated to them, so our institutions(like judiciary) should be strengthened. We do need to fight against poverty so as to ensure each one of us is able to maintain appropriate standard of living & have access to basic resources.


Amazing, superbly inspiring talk. not sure about the figures on modern slavery, or whether that is the highest in history (will check), but this rationale should creep into people's minds.


In this persuasive talk, Gary Haugen argues the hidden dangers behind our poverty-stricken world and gives some solutions to solve that issue. Informative, useful and highly recommended.


one of the best talks i´ve heard about poverty, i hope millions of people would open their ears to this, i wish i could make a speech like these to my panamanian people, together we can change this


Be blessed 🙏 we need more of you.
This food in due season! Come over down to the rural areas.
