eMagin micro-OLED WUXGA Display: 15'000 nits for VR, aiming to achieve 30,000 nits for VR

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Step into the world of technological innovation and explore the fascinating features of the WUXGA display showcased in this captivating video. Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the intricate details and remarkable capabilities of this cutting-edge display technology.

At the heart of this display lies its impressive resolution of 1920 by 1200 pixels. But what sets it apart is its direct patterned design, which utilizes a 9.6-micron pixel pitch. This design choice allows for the precise placement of red, green, and blue (RGB) colors, resulting in an unparalleled visual experience. Unlike traditional displays that use color filters, this direct patterning technique offers several advantages.

One of the standout features of this display is its maximum luminance, which reaches an astonishing 10,000 Candela per meter squared. To put this into perspective, it's worth noting that a recent advancement has even pushed the luminance to an impressive 15,000 nits. This exceptional brightness makes it ideal for virtual reality (VR) applications, where high resolution and brightness are crucial.

When it comes to VR, companies often emphasize two key factors: a large field of view and the absence of the "screen door effect." The display discussed in this video caters to these requirements, with an optimal field of view ranging from 30 to 60 pixels per degree. A field of view of 100 degrees and 40 pixels per degree necessitates a resolution of 4,000, ensuring a truly immersive experience.

Brightness is another critical factor in VR displays. To provide a vibrant and engaging visual experience, a brightness of 200 nits is typically desired. However, to counteract motion artifacts and maintain image quality, a duty cycle of 10% is implemented, meaning the display is only active 10% of the time. This necessitates a brightness of 10 times the desired value, resulting in 2,000 nits. Additionally, considering the imperfections in optics, the display's brightness needs to be further multiplied by a factor of 5, bringing it to a remarkable 10,000 nits.

It's worth noting that some applications may require even higher levels of brightness. In fact, the video reveals an ongoing project in which the company is developing a tandem direct patterning display capable of reaching an astounding 20,000 nits. This level of brightness ensures that even in challenging lighting conditions, the display can deliver vivid and lifelike visuals.

The narrator takes a moment to address the claims made by companies utilizing white with color filter displays. They confidently assert that their technology not only matches but surpasses the capabilities of these displays. With advancements in micro lens arrays and micro cavities, their technology can replicate the effects achieved by these traditional methods.

As the company pioneers these groundbreaking advancements, the narrator is asked about the satisfaction of being ahead of the competition. While they express pride in their achievements, they also emphasize the ever-evolving nature of the industry. The narrator reveals that the company has recently achieved a luminance of 15,000 nits and is actively working on a tandem direct patterning project aiming to achieve nearly 30,000 nits. This commitment to constant improvement is what keeps them at the forefront of the industry.

The discussion transitions to the potential for consumer applications. The narrator explains that this particular technology is approved for use outside the United States, broadening its potential market. They also hint at a possible mass production partnership and reference an ongoing relationship with Samsung. While the details of this partnership are not finalized, it presents an exciting opportunity for widespread adoption of their display technology.

To shed light on their impressive manufacturing capabilities, the video highlights the company's team of engineers and scientists dedicated to developing next-generation OLED technology. They take pride in designing the back planes themselves, showcasing their commitment to vertical integration and ensuring the highest level of quality control throughout the manufacturing process.

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These guys are doing god's work to make future VR screens way better


thanks for the video please more on these futuristic microdisplays high nits and high resolution, if these come to consumers people mind will blown away


Yes, make VR/AR great again with Micro Oled


3:52 He's definitely talking about Apple.


I wish they had a prototype of a higher resolution display. Something like 3800 by 3000 and using the dual stack tandem structure he hinted they are already planning on sampling to manufacturers. If it could have ~10000 nits that would be amazing because Sony's display in the Apple Vision Pro is using w-oled and is only 5000 nits. Add in a 120hz refresh rate too while they're at it since the Sony display is only 90hz.


2:15 Nice pun, especially with that background


Bring back "who are you". Make Charbax great again.


That guy is a visionary, i think they were secretly bought by meta or apple


Samsung keeps leading the pac. Samsung acquired Emagin in 2023.
