Unity Cinemachine Timeline Test

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Today I was teaching some students how to use Unity's new Cinemachine and TimeLine features, and this was the excercise for that class.
All the assets are Free downloaded from the Asset Store, or Mixamo page for the animations.
Also we used the new PostProcessing Stack V2, and since the objective was to show how to use it, that's why there are some random color changes, just because.
And it was rendered in 4K at 60 fps and recorder with the new Unity 's Frame Recorder.
All the assets are Free downloaded from the Asset Store, or Mixamo page for the animations.
Also we used the new PostProcessing Stack V2, and since the objective was to show how to use it, that's why there are some random color changes, just because.
And it was rendered in 4K at 60 fps and recorder with the new Unity 's Frame Recorder.
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