Arduino Nano Every: Honest Review and actual info!

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The new Arduino Nano Every is certainly cheaper than older Arduino boards, but is it better? Here are my initial impressions, backed with some actual tests and technical information. Enjoy!
[English CCs available]

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Man I didn't know you were the Master of the Arduino! Most of this is way over my head, but it's something I've always dreamed about getting into. I don't know why I never thought to check out your channel before, but I'm glad I did!


I like the extra interrupts on the Every.


Honestly I found there was a modernised version of the 328P called the "328PB". Probably the biggest additions would be the 2nd UART, the capacitive sensor driver and the 2 extra 16 bit timers (and more pwm channels). The downside is that I didn't find this chip available in PDIP package. I did not check if it was pin for pin compatible, but I assume it is.

Oh and also... It uses the classic ISP programming method. No UPDI here


I need suggestion for my application - I need 1 I2C, 1 SPI, 16 I/0 and one Uart along with a 48KB Flash for the code. Also what bout the Interupts Hardware and PCINT, how many are possible and can we have Independent PCINT now in Arduio if so how.


Currently I mostly use pro micro boards for most projects. The only thing that is lacking on that board is a decent 3.3v output. For most projects I get by with either a PSU that also has 3.3, a dedicated regulator or even a voltage divider which work fine for simply applications.

I like dual inline boards and I need USB HID functionality and I2C. Other options are nice, but nut mission critical. I never really seriously ran out of digital or analog pins. There is always a workaround.

A sub 10 euro board with HID and 3.3 volt out and a basic supplement of analog and digital pins is just what I need actually.


Very well made video! Thanks for clearing all this up and helping me make my choice 🙌


Ya iba a comprar tres ARDUINO NANO EVERY, pero se me hizo algo sospechoso... Gracias a éste video, mejor lo dejamos para otra ocasión...


Hi and thanks for a well made brief intro. I bought this device because in a project I needed some intricate math on a ToF sensor combined with a small OLED display. However the OLED crunched most of the SRAM so it was not possible to host both math/ToF and display in my much beloved Nano.
Anyhow there is still one thing that I cant find the information about regarding the Every; Since I use I2C, is it 3, 3V or 5V pull-ups as communication levels?
For the Nano it was possible to communicate at 3.3V level by disabling the internal 5V pull up and use external 3.3V pull-up instead, do I have to use the same solution on an Every?


Well I just received my first nano every and immediately uploaded my code to control 500 Leds @ 50fps. The standard nano could just manage 470 leds @ 50fps as not quite enough memory. So when I saw 21ms for a frame of all 500 leds I instantly knew this nano every was exactly same speed as the old nano and most definitely is not 20Mhz. I confirm your 16mhz findings through alternate means. Oh well, at least i supported the arduino cause now :)


Thanks for this very informative video ! Very well made video! It would be desirable to show some applications with this board ...


All my Uno, Nano, Mini-Pro are clone... Originals are costyly for me...
So, I was going to buy this Every, because of Low price, advanced... And end up here...
Thank you very much...!!


I think you CAN use some of the program flash as user application data space, so you can carve out some more eeprom like memory if you need it.
I'm waiting for Arduino to make a nano using the new AVR128DA series chip. That has 16kb of sram, 512 bytes EEprom, and 128KB of program ram. Imagine, 128k in a 28 pin dip!


I've just bought a Nano Every, frankly I did it just because it was cheaper, and the project I'm working on is straightforward and doesn't need to be backward compatible. But I see in the comments that although you know your way around Arduino that you prefer not to use it as it is for beginners. So my question is, what would you recommend to intermediate microcontroller developement, and I mean as a step further from Arduino? Is Microchip with its Curiosity Nano and their IDE good? I see that the developement boards are about the same price as Nano Every. I am also using Visual Studio with the vMicro addon as Arduino's IDE is just terrible, no vim.


I got arduino uno clone and its not working can you help me
Or should i buy arduino nano


The fritzing part doesn’t have the castellated pads in PCB view. Only through holes. So annoying


Appears that the Every has an uncommitted UART, in addition to the one connected to the programmer. Could be worth getting just for that.


Hi, nice video. May i ask a small question? I am really looking forward to hearing from you. I used Nano Every and UNO with max30102.When i use UNO, everything goes smoothly. But when i change the max30102 to Nano Every, i gain nothing. After that, i use two 4.7k to pull up SDA & SCL pins, but still doesn't work. Do you have some suggeations for me? Thank you soooo much


Honestly, an Arduino Uno Every would have made much more sense. If you could use some 2-row headers in some places instead of the single rows, at least no pins would have been wasted. And by keeping the same footprint, you'd ensure compatibility with Arduino Uno shields. I don't know if my suggestion makes sense. Without forgetting to put the ICSP header.

Personally that would make a fantastic upgrade from the traditional Arduino Uno and make it much more competitive compared to the Nano, which usually outclasses the Uno by 2 extra analog pins.


can you provide the schamatic for the neo-pixel power apater?


How many noticed every Arduino product is more costly than it takes for production which increases demand of clones ...even a starter kit is 79$ which is very high and can buy double the items with that 💰 money..
