Aaron Lewis Performs “Am I The Only One” (The Daily Wire’s CANDACE)

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Thank you Aaron. As a 24 year law enforcement officer in a large liberal city, I worked 12 days of riots last year.I repeatedly had objects thrown at me, and my blue family, and people spitting etc. I watched a brother in blue get run over, and took gunfire trying to take back a street where they were setting fires. For the first time in my long career I felt betrayed, alone, and terrified for my children's, and this country's future. This song speaks volumes to me and reduces me to tears every time I hear it. I have been a huge fan of your music and patriotism for a long time. But this puts my love for your music to a whole new level. Thank you for saying what so many of us deplorable patriots have been thinking for the past year. God bless you, and God bless America.


As a disabled combat veteran....tears run down my face every single time I hear this song. When will Americas patriots finally stand up....


14 year Marine Corps veteran here, I am another one that will stand up and fight for our Wonderful Country, Thank you Aaron Lewis for this awesome song, let's all band together and show how much we Love the U.S.A.


This song actually brings tears to my eyes. You’re not the only one brother. Thank you for your courage to put this song out there.


I'm a post 9/11 combat vet. My grandfather was a Vietnam vet. My great grandfather was vet in ww2. This song makes me cry. It ain't nothin funny seein a soldier cry. We do. We cry when our brothers and sisters die. We cry at soldier homecoming videos. We also cry when everything we work so hard for, fought for, and died for gets erased in the most disrespectful, unamerican, and disturbing fashion. It'd heart wrenching and a major gut punch to us all. God bless thr usa. Hooah.


The Springstein reference is absolutely priceless! Aaron Lewis has a masterpiece on his hands and it has nothing to do with sales. You have my heartfelt thanks for this!


"If you don't like it, there's the fucking door!!" Well said brother. You ain't the only one. 100, 000, 000 of us are standing with you! "Lets roll".


I’m 42, and My wife and I had our first child (Cambridge) in 2019, when I was 40 and she was 34. We will definitely raise her old school brother. She will say thank you, yes ma’am and no sir. She will help her elders and give back to her community. Thank you for everything.


I listen to this song every day. Just waiting for us to all come together.


There comes a time in every generation when Patriots have to make a stand . That time is now . For all that have fought and died or suffered
life changing injuries for this Great Nation . The time is now . Thank You Aaron for doing just that . You are not alone Brother .


This song is something historically significant. I will carry this song with me forever. From Canada with love.


I can't listen to Aaron sing without being moved to fighting back tears and struggling to swallow the lump in my throat, no matter what he is singing. An amazing talent and one of the greatest examples of a true American. God bless you, brother.


There's at least 80 million of us that feel the same way.. you are DEFINITELY not the only one.. 🤘


Im 42 now brother and have grown up through the years with your music playing to my life. I'm so glad you made it through all the fame and record deals with the beautiful heart that you share with us. God bless. Jesus reigns.


This is the most powerful song I think I have ever heard. I never get tired of hearing it to remind me there are almost as many people who feel the way I do as dont, we just are ignored.


I’m a 52 year old hard as nails chef and biker. This song reduces me to tears every time I hear it. Let it be an anthem for the revolution.


Hell yeah Aaron! Let’s hear some more. This has the potential to be the most influential American song written maybe ever. Need some more artists doing the same and have a tidal wave of patriotism.


OUT-DAMNED-STANDING. I'm a graybeard U.S. Air Force Veteran with 14 years, 7 mos., and 3 days of proud service. I may be old, rusted, and broken in a few places seen & unseen, but you're damned sure not the only one. Proud to stand beside you brother and close to 80 million other unafraid American patriots. Thank you for this. And thanks also to our fellow patriot and Sister Soldier in the line of fire almost daily: Candace Owens.


Thanks for being a real American Aaron


Amazing song, support the one’s that gave their lives to use, and memories for use.❤️🇺🇸💚
