10 Reasons Why Biotech is Booming

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Learn how you can take advantage of the biotech boom!

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What does a biotech do?
What biotech means?
What is Biotech example?
Is biotech a good career?
How much do Biotechnologist earn?
What are biotech products?
What is biotechnology answer?
Why is biotechnology so important?
What is Biotech course?
What are the 4 types of biotechnology?
What are 5 biotechnology examples?
How is biotechnology used today?
How long does it take to become a biotech?
Is a biotech degree worth it?
What job can I get with a biotechnology degree?
Is there money in biotechnology?
Is biotechnology a dying field?
Is biotechnology hard to study?
Is biotech the future?
What are the negative effects of biotechnology?
What are the fields of biotechnology?

00:00 - Intro
00:46 - Its role in fighting COVID-19
01:30 - Everybody wants to be (or invest in) the next Moderna or BioNTech
02:20 - The Human Genome Project
03:05 - It means healthcare that’s tailor-made for the patient
03:52 - It changes the way medicines are made -- and prescribed
04:40 - The cost of human gene sequencing is getting cheaper and cheaper
05:22 - Gene editing
06:07 - Biotech could spell the end of cancer
06:42 - Plant-based meat
07:33 - Bioplastics
08:14 - Question


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Hello Aluxers! What do you think is the most exciting thing about the biotech boom?


I'm now proud to choose biotechnology as my career option inspite of many people saying it's not worth it.


When I did my M.Sc in Biotech, some where criticizing me as it had no scope. Now I feel proud to be an biotechnologist


Me also currently study in biotech. But sad to say Malaysia still low exposure and expertise in biotech field.. I really want to further my postgrad study abroad and rise biotech field in my country


I studied Industrial Biotech in India in 2007, not much job opportunities in India that time. I came to US to do Biological Engineering. Here I worked in biopharma and after this COVID, I can say Biotech in India is expanding.


I am a biotech undergraduate student from Argentina. The potential of biotech is incredibly amazing. I still have not decided in which area of ​​biotechnology I want to specialize!! But this video is helpful, thank you!


If you're really determined to go for research then biotech is good...but from job perspective it's really bad. I graduated in biotech and I have regretted every minute of my life in biotech. I had dreams of going for research only until I knew what research field looks like...you have to be curious all the time...you have to work hell lot of hours in the lab troubleshooting and uncertain about the results. Moreover after all these efforts what you get is less stipend. You need a job (say assistant professor) to support yourself financially. And to let you know getting a job as assistant professor is hell of a task and many get to teach only on contract basis. You can say money is not important to you but ultimately we NEED MONEY to sustain in this world full of inflation.


You guys made me proud to call myself a biotechnologist!! thank you alux


I study medical biotechnology and i can tell you it's very interesting and amazing if you're into genetics! Biotechnology in general is very diverse too!


I'm a food tech graduate with biotechnology focus. It's sad that biotech is one of the subject that the students in my college avoid due to it's complexity, while it's one of the most needed field in the future.


Here are my 10 extra tips to INCREASE your daily manifestations that I’ve learned over the years..👇🏾

1. Practice gratitude every morning. When you wake up, list everything that you are grateful for and feel that gratitude in your core. Feel free to write things down in a journal so it is easy for you to remember.
2. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Every time you feel a negative thought coming on, make a positive spin on it right away.
3. Take ownership for things that happen in your life. It's easy to blame others however you will feel much better when you realize that most issues stem from us.
4. ALWAYS believe that good things are about to happen. By being open to new possibilities you are inviting abundance into your life.
5. Remember that like attracts like so you get back whatever you put out, whether it is good or bad. So do good AND received good.
6. Meditate for five minutes a day. During this time focus on how you want your life to be; but place your focus on how you feel AND feel that feeling as if you have already accomplished those goals.
7. Step outside of your comfort zone. Stop playing it safe and make that decision to finally go for your dreams.
8. Focus on activities that make you feel truly happy. When you are truly happy you have the best vibrational frequency to manifest your desires.
9. Avoid the naysayers and surround yourself with people who only lift you higher. Downers will be downers, don't let them drag you into their misery.
10. Don't be afraid to dream and know that you are always supported by the universe.

Hope this helps!

- Your Friendly Neighborhood Coach


I love to work in biotech with a microbiology to biomedical engineering degree that both helps the community in human health, anyone from those different fields of work can become a biotechnologist expert in a particular field


In about 7 months I’ll start college, and I’m proud to say that’ll be a Biotechnologist. The future is looking bright for Science.


Biotechnology sounds so interesting…cant wait to study about it


I chose Biotechnology as my university degree to bring dinosaurs to life. But I guess these 10 reasons are cool too


I want to work in biotech specifically to work on solutions regarding the elongation of human life/sentience, but I also want to be able to support myself with my undergraduate degree. I was thinking of double majoring in Physics/Computer & Electrical Engineering as a way to achieve this. Thinking that once I graduate with my Bachelor's I can work for a few years and pursue a graduate degree in Biophysics later on. Would this be a realistic path to pursue in order to work in Biotechnology? I'm open to your thoughts...


I study Biotechnologie of the Marine ressources and am really proud of it 😊👩🏼‍🔬


I’m looking to network with Biotech, IT professionals, pilots and Financial advisors!!


studying biology rn in undergrad. i cant wait or do my masters in biotech and pHD in genetic engineering.


Proud to be a biotechnologist!...thankyou alux for ur inspiring contents
