Đula Srimac – Šokačko kolo

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(SRB) Đula Srimac na usnoj harmonici izvodi melodiju „Šokačko koloˮ.
Snimljeno u selu Bački Breg, kod Sombora, u kući porodice Lerić, 30. juna 2021. godine.
Video je snimljen za potrebe Projekta „Portreti živih ljudskih riznica, 2021ˮ, koji je podržan sredstvima Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije. Projekat obuhvata deset intervjua, a treći u nizu je portret o Đuli Srimac.
Tekst je objavljen u 34. broju štampanog izdanja magazina „Etnoumljeˮ, krajem septembra 2021. godine.
Video je snimila Julijana Baštić, koji je i autorka članka. Osim Julijane i Đule, snimanju su prisustvovale još i Anja Nedeljkov, Milica Lerić i njena baka Marica Lerić.
Link ka PDF-u članka na portalu World Music asocijacije Srbije:
(ENG) Đula Srimac performs the melody "Šokačko kolo" on the harmonica.
Recorded in the village of Bački Breg, near Sombor, in the house of the Lerić family, on June 30, 2021.
The video was recorded for the needs of the Project "Portraits of Living Human Treasures, 2021", which is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia. The project includes ten interviews, and the third in a series is a portrait of Đula Srimac.
The text was published in the 34th issue of the printed edition of the magazine "Etnoumlje", at the end of September 2021.
The video was recorded by Julijana Baštić, who is also the author of the article. Apart from Julijana and Đula, the field work was also attended by Anja Nedeljkov, Milica Lerić and her grandmother Marica Lerić.
Link to the PDF of the article (in Serbian) on the portal of the World Music Association of Serbia:
Snimljeno u selu Bački Breg, kod Sombora, u kući porodice Lerić, 30. juna 2021. godine.
Video je snimljen za potrebe Projekta „Portreti živih ljudskih riznica, 2021ˮ, koji je podržan sredstvima Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije. Projekat obuhvata deset intervjua, a treći u nizu je portret o Đuli Srimac.
Tekst je objavljen u 34. broju štampanog izdanja magazina „Etnoumljeˮ, krajem septembra 2021. godine.
Video je snimila Julijana Baštić, koji je i autorka članka. Osim Julijane i Đule, snimanju su prisustvovale još i Anja Nedeljkov, Milica Lerić i njena baka Marica Lerić.
Link ka PDF-u članka na portalu World Music asocijacije Srbije:
(ENG) Đula Srimac performs the melody "Šokačko kolo" on the harmonica.
Recorded in the village of Bački Breg, near Sombor, in the house of the Lerić family, on June 30, 2021.
The video was recorded for the needs of the Project "Portraits of Living Human Treasures, 2021", which is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia. The project includes ten interviews, and the third in a series is a portrait of Đula Srimac.
The text was published in the 34th issue of the printed edition of the magazine "Etnoumlje", at the end of September 2021.
The video was recorded by Julijana Baštić, who is also the author of the article. Apart from Julijana and Đula, the field work was also attended by Anja Nedeljkov, Milica Lerić and her grandmother Marica Lerić.
Link to the PDF of the article (in Serbian) on the portal of the World Music Association of Serbia: