Kamala Harris' Record On Criminal Justice Heavily Scrutinized

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On Monday, Roland Martin and his panel of guests discussed Sen. Harris' complicated history as the Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017, and as District Attorney of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011.

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I am sorry most folk are no longer asleep. We are going to scrutinize every candidate no matter who they are!!!


Who is this woman referring to DOS as mess? They're mad because WE AIN'T BUYING THIS ISH NO MORE!!


Blackest ever? Jamaican father, Indian mother, raised in Canada mostly by her Indian mother. Supported many policies here in california that disproportionately negatively impacted black folks. Yes she went to Howard but so did Rachel Dolezal. Her blackness won't be an issue if she doesn't pretend to be something she's not. Stop talking about all the Chuck Taylor's you own, dancing on camera to Cardi B and shouting out a dead Phife Dawg as if he's still alive as you talk about your love for a ATCQ. If you want our vote, earn it with your policy and agenda, not by saying look i'm black you. Obama got away with one because we were clamoring for our first. Now that that's out the way, bring it! Roland why are you and your panel answering for her. She has to answer these questions. Btw 2004 was well after rodney king and after the crime bill was put in. She has to answer for that and more importantly answer for what she will do differently going forward.


Hey Roland, how about having a real black progressive on the show like Nina Turner instead of the same establishment sycophants?


Funny how they keep making excuses for her records but if it's someone they didn't like with the same track record they would crucify that person they are to hypocritical and a disgrace


This panel is actually having the opposite effect of what they are trying to accomplish, they're turning the people off even more towards Kamala, lol.


Did this Dude just say Kamala Harris was the blackest candidate we've ever


We are sick of all of you! This is about her record. Y’all all canceled


Damn the panel is really going hard for Kamala, lol. Smh. Monique Pressley is coming off as really condescending right now, like the black community can't think for themselves.


I can't believe that these people went to college and have all that education, and the answers they come up with just blows my wig off...smh


The comments are so encouraging. Don't fall for the okey doke we went for with Obama. Not again.


I can’t vote for anyone bc of the color of their skin tone. Remember how that turned out last time? It’s redundant to hope for a president candidate who will help the black community bc we don’t have power in this country and we’ve never been a priority in America. We can’t count on politicians to do what’s right for us. All of us are going to have to come together and get what we demand ourselves. Don’t rely on a POC to do what needs to be done she’s just another politician.


Her blackness has nothing to do with her lousy record and support of oppression and injustice.


Don’t matter how you try and dress this up. I don’t think Sen Harris is a good candidate. Now my position has nothing to do with her being a woman but it has everything to do with her work history.


This is the Worst political Panel I’ve ever heard backing Kamala! I’ve Lost all respect for Roland Martin


When you apply for a job at McDonald's, they run a background check on you. When you apply for any other normal job, they look at your work history and how your previous experience is relevant to the job you are applying for. But for some reasons when you run for president of the United States (the highest office of the land), we are not supposed to critique your records. If we do, we are called anti-feminine, "not supporting our own", purity testers etc. Some normal jobs even require you to take polygraphs. Why shouldn't we hold the office of the presidency to higher standards than other jobs?


How much is Kamala is paying you for these advertisements?


Tariq got’em irritated. 😂 #Tangibles2020


Wow! So vote for Kamala Harris because any criticism of her will be racist!


The "it was her job" argument is weak as hell. You can't argue (like this lady did) that blacks are "other" in this society then suggest that blacks who become part of the system have to serve it's laws and policies loyally.
