Beetlejuice Slappyjuice!? Don't Say His Name! THE MOVIE

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This is the Beetlejuice Movie! We see Michael Myers burying something in our backyard and surprise it's Slappy's head because Slappyjuice is making him bury Slappy for some reason! We eventually find out that Slappyjuice the Sqeazy version of Beetlejuice is controlling our lives for 24 hours and all we have to do is NOT say his name 3 times! Beetlejuice will do anything to get us to say his name 3 times! Can we go a full 24 hours without saying Slappyjuice's name 3 times!? He'll stop at nothing to annoy us and torment us until we do!
#beetlejuice #movie #michaelmyers
#beetlejuice #movie #michaelmyers