A WARNING for Canadians | Shocking New Profit Report

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Jagmeet and Justine, both answer to the WEF.
They've been loyal to it since they were born.
Both were WEF young leaders.


Ah yes, corporations were never greedy up until this year... How does anyone believe this crap?


Bank of Canada and government is the problem


Greedflation from mp that just got a 20% pay raise 🙌


What is our COST OF GOVERNMENT ??? What is the percentage of personal Income going towards TAXES IMPOSED UPON US BY THE GOVERNMENT ???
Please answer to this question .


Jagmeet is a hypocrite, he is propping up Trudeau's policies that are creating hardships for Canadians.


It is a good piece, Russel. Yes, corporate greed is a part of the problem but not the real culprit. This is an assault on our standard of living that began back in the mid-seventies. Yep that far back. When the Dollar was removed from being backed by something tangible (gold) inflation took off. Simple math shows the rate of inflation had it followed central banks mandates (of 2% per year since that time). If we just do simple math, From 1975 to now is about 47 years. 47 times 2 is 94. So since that time, the price of goods should have grown no more than 94%. Is that what happened? Or did it inflate ridiculously at times, then deflate and then inflate again at ridiculous prices causing bubbles and everyday people to lose money. Well, what was the price of a loaf of bread back in the mid-70s. About 15 cents. What is it now? About 3 dollars. What is the rate of that growth? Right. Ridiculous. So why does inflation get ridiculous? It gets that way because governments have the power to print the dam stuff as they wish. They never save for a rainy day and when problems occur they bail out their buddies (the banks) at the cost of everyone else. This is how the purchasing power of your dollar goes out the window. When I was young my father was the only one who needed a job. Now (are you kidding), you have to have the kids working too just to make ends meet. How long have we been living like this? Each year it gets harder and harder. Each year your dollar buys less and less. Your taxes increase and you have less and less disposable income. Why? Inflation and the parasite (Government) have become far too big. It is now draining the host of everything and will do so in order to survive.


The down fail of this video: the price of gas and oil are due to the war in Ukraine 🤦‍♂️


Tourism businesses were bailed out! When the US wasn’t allowed to come up to Canada through COVID-19. Small business, brick and mortar, also.


I think that giving the oil industry which saw a whopping 1000% growth such a small weight understates the true impact. Remember the the food industry margins are up - but their base (before margin) is dramatically affected by the cost of transportation as well. What we are seeing is compounding of profit % increases. As truckers are quick to remind us - everything they buy in stores was delivered with a truck. And not just food but also hardware. As to the deficit hawks among your commenters who see the deficit spending over many years as the problem I would remind them that until very recently we have had years of unusually low inflation despite money supply increases. Why wasn't there inflation then?


I’ve cut back almost all materialistic spending. Products are junk now anyway - plus we cut out 13 percent HST by doing so. We all vote with our dollar.


Spending haha you mean feeding families and paying their bills


Most folks have lost the art of living UNDER your means


Oil and gas numbers / energy has such a story because of the crash to $0 a barrel at the beginning of the pandemic, then recovery and rising costs into a crunch today. That number includes fertilizer and other petrochemical agriculture inputs that have skyrocketed due to dropping production in Europe in 2019 through to climate policies today, let alone the impact of the war in Ukraine.


No future for young people in this country anymore 😢😢


haven't been allowed to go to work for a year, so indeed they have made me poor.


The bills they pass are the problem, making and keeping Canadians poor.


I love how the CPI allocated weight per sector... Also wondering about the net profit if we were to compare production levels and quantities of product/services sold.
There has to be data out there because I sure can tell you that I am now seeing an entire dedicated area for quick sale discounted products in our grocery stores and it keeps growing. I don't think the demand is matched with these prices. I just spent 3 weeks visiting family in Europe, people avoid heating their home and still paying 450-600€/month for hydro used to be 150-200 in 2019. Couples with 3 kids are spending 700-900€/month.
I am curious to see consumers data coming out after Christmas, if people are still spending like there's no tomorrow then you sure know we haven't reached the bottom yet.


Normally oil and gas would put money into new projects increasing growth and production lowering prices with new supply. With a government extremely hostile to the industry and ESG investment practices internationally investment has decided Canada is a poor place to put their money. This of course reduces supply increasing shortages. The investors that watched their money disappear in this environment have told companies that they don’t want new production but share buy backs and dividends. They want some reward for sticking out the last 7 years of poor returns and losses. Even if the government were to change tomorrow it would take years before investment would feel confident to return to Canada. Unfortunately people that don’t have much understanding of energy have pushed for this politically and now the results are exacerbating government excessive spending and therefore inflation.


Which section does utilities fall under? I’d love to know where electricity generators and retailers sit on this list?
