Watch This Before Running Ads (To Get 5x Clients!)

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So you want to start running ads to get new clients for your agency, coaching or consulting business BUT you don't get any results!

That's normal - even if you have a great offer and copywriting. In today's video, I share with you a strategy that will fix this problem and help you turn your ads into high-paying clients.

In fact, implementing it into your own online business is going to double or triple the amount of booked calls that you can generate from paid ads!

So if you want to get more booked calls and grow your online business - watch the video!

#sales #salescall
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Awesome video as always Kai! One question, how do you find a quality lead sourcer? I've delt with mulitple lead sourcers in the past and it has been nothing but a nightmare... Any tips on that? I've hired from Fiverr and Upwork before... Also what is a price that good lead sourcer looks for per lead? Thanks in advance


Amazing video bro! A quick imp question, How much number of data is enough to run an effective successfull LAA campaign ??
