23 GCSE physics equations song

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23 GCSE physics equations song -learn all the equations in one song.
Lyrics and worksheets, plus the chance to become a SUPERFAN


A car heading for the borderline.
distance travelled = speed × time
s = v t

You want to measure the acceleration?
acceleration=(change in velocity)/(time taken)
a=(Δ v)/t

Try to build the momentum properly.
momentum = mass × velocity
p = m v

Turn on the speaker. It’s a song from Eminem.
wave speed = frequency × wavelength
v = f λ

Ain’t nobody as ‘phat’ as me.
weight = mass × gravitational field strength g
W = m g

I use the force in this rap equation.
resultant force = mass × acceleration
F = m a

pressure=(force normal to a surface)/(area of that surface)

There’s too much density in this whole tune.

23 Physics Equations.
We’ll take it one by one so have patience.
23 Physics Equations.
We’ll take it one by one so have patience.

A powerful quarterback runs on the touchline.
power=(work done)/time


power=(energy transferred)/time

If we’re talking about transfers, then check this rhyme.
What football transfer would you like to happen, if you had infinite money to buy?
energy transferred = power × time
E = P t

Another way to get energy transferred, this physics equation I’m spitting.
energy transferred = charge flow × potential difference
E = Q V

My bars. I don’t charge at this current time.
charge flow = current × time
Q = I t

If you want to measure the potential difference.
potential difference = current × resistance
V = I R

Two more power equations all of a sudden.
power = potential difference × current
P = V I

Another equation for power. Sit back and listen.
power = (current)2 × resistance
P = I2 R


In a factory, putting of a piston.
work done = force × distance along the line of action of the force
W = F s

You want to know the force applied to a spring?
force applied to a spring = spring constant × extension
F = k e

moment of a force = force × distance normal to direction of force
M = F d
The symbol is M = Fd but you knew that of course.

Efficiency is a mission to me but kinetic energy let’s do first.
kinetic energy = 0.5 × mass × (speed)2
E_k=1/2 m

efficiecy=(useful output energy transfer)/(total input energy transfer)


efficiecy=(total power output)/(total power input)

That’s 22 equations from your physics book.
One more to do before I spit the hook.

gravitational potential energy = mass × gravitational field strength (g) × height
Ep = m g h
That’s 23 equations done. Good night.
Рекомендации по теме

y is this song not on trending for educational purpose? this is soo good👌👌👌


Thanks so much for this, listened to it a few times now and its already working! your a Legend :)


this is actually damn good, will be recommending


Holy shit I know them all. You're the best, thanks


So I was listening to this on Spotify and this was on my Google home speaker I went on YouTube to see if this was on YouTube and it was so I played the song and skip to a random point I was far behind the Google speaker, but somehow they manage to sync up perfectly at the very end of the song I am baffled thus leaving this comment.


Top ten rappers Eminem is scared to diss


Do you have the lyrics in text form? no problem if not, ill type it out by hand. still using this video 3 months later!


Where can i find this music on google
I wanna download it😌😌
