How node JS works | Engineering side

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I love these kind of videos which explain how things are working and how they are abstracted. Please don't stop making type of vidoes. I'd also love to videos on these topics -
1. Detailed video on how message communication is occuring - from website(browser) to website. This will also help us to understand how things are working in the background - OS, Networking etc.
2. Rendering methods in JS(in-depth) with visualization.


Node JS is like a island in the sea, separate on the surface but connected on the deep. Thank you for a very deep knowledge, it will help us lot to understand a whole stuff behind the scene.


will be so helpful if you could make more of such behind the scenes videos


Nodejs is a c++ program that uses chrome v8 engine to compile javascript into mechine code, + adds functionality for file manipulation and let us create a server. It's all about it.


Amazing Sir,
Nowday i feel what i want to learn just open youtube and you got what you want to learn from hitesh choudhary.
flutter, nodeJs


Great Sir. These Engineering videos will really help a lot Plus provide articles too from where you read about it. Thanks for help!


Best thing about you is that you teach from documentation. So, in case anyone didn't learn something or want to learn more deeply then they can refer back to it 👍


Awesome explanation HITESH SIR...We need 2nd part plz


This is so great stuff by NodeJS. Hats off to both you for such a great explanation & Node for such great work.


Sir, I am highly influenced with you, please don't stop making such kind of in-depth knowledge filled videos . I was doing Android Dev from 2 years and recently moving towards web . I always try to understand, how internally things are working and here in web dev no body is taking about it ... Everyone says learn js, express and react do multiple projects and you are good to go .. but nobody talks how this node js or react internally works. I understand that developing a project doesn't require this knowledge but It gives me more confidence to work on a tech, that yes I know every bits and pieces of it and if anything goes wrong I will surely debug it on my own . Btw Sir I am learning react from your lco merger pack and seriously its great . Lots of Love and Respect for you from my end ❤


mind-boggling....I need to rewatch and read docs again to craft a complete permanent picture of those working steps...from starting a req to stop with a response....the code is so much top 1% layer nothing compared to the 99% of combination of libuv + NodeJS doing behind the scene...true engineering breakdown of inner working...kudos to you sir for this one...


Hey, keep making these cool training videos! I love how you really dig into the topics instead of just doing it for the views like some others. Your way of teaching is more like a computer science expert, and I'd totally watch more of your Node.js and React videos. Thanks!


It is an amazing video, which teaches us not only the Nodejs internals but the sheer importance of reading the documentation


Great Video this Deep Dive Engineering Videos are facinating me to read books deep dive into subjects, and Tech I'm working on Node.js via Express Since a Year and never thought about this and really loved this one. I remember a line from your Old video "Let's make Engineering Great Again"


I just noticed you yesterday and I am already loving. Very very helpful video


Been looking for such videos hitesh. Not everyone talks much about back end complexity. Loved it❤. Please do talk about CORE node JS


I absolutely love your videos! Please make more videos on Express, React, and other topics. I think you should do a series on these topics, as they are very easy to understand if we understand how technology works behind the scenes. Please, please, please start a series on these topics as well! I really appreciate your hard work. More than hard work, it's your passion. I can really feel it through your videos. Love you, man!


I love these engineering side videos i will say that you should make at least 2 videos per week for these kind of videos as it helps us to understand it from basics and clears a lot of doubt when learning something new.


I love the way you teach, if possible make the videos on these topics, I barely comments on video and I have subscribed you since almost a year or more than that. I also love your new channel that is chai and code, your explanation is really awesome.


Hitesh sir is like open source, always find best way to explain core concept. Thank you Hitesh sir this means a lot for me.❤❤
