her voice is absolutely awesome. There's nothing better than her. What a perfect song, goddamn
My English translation:
When I hear your voice,
It gives me a special kind of feeling
That makes me never want to forget you
I remember that there's a person
That always lingers in my heart
Even if I can only think of you like this
If there really comes a day
Where the ideals of love come true
I will redouble my efforts to treat you well and never change
No matter how far you are
I will definitely make it happen
I will gently whisper in your ear and say to you (say to you)
I love you, love you
Like how a mouse loves rice
No matter how much wind and rain
I will always be with you
I miss you, miss you
No matter how bitter
If it makes you happy,
I'm willing to do anything
This is how I love you
Damn, I remember my Mom sings this song alot when I was a child.
It's been a few months since she passed away and a few days ago i found this song on my recommendation, Needless to say I cried my eyes out
Lagu ni my exroomate ajar ms di Kolej matrikulasi melaka, rindu sgt dkt dia, teringat dia selalu nyanyi lagu ni dgn sgt merdu, jd sy minta dia ajarkan, dia siap tulis lirik lagu dan maksudnya skali utk sy..kl la dia terbaca comment sy ni, harap dapat jumpa dgn dia semula
Saya orang melayu, suka sangat lagu ni.. masa kecil selalu dengar lagu ni diputarkan diradio bahasa melayu, tapi tak tau nama lagu, yg tau wo ai ni je..🤣🤣 sekarang baru jumpa..
Satu lagu chinese yang gw hapal sampe sekarang, awal mula gegara first love dulu suka lagu ini. Dan sekarang walau dia uda ama yang lain, gw sering flashback kenangan gw dan dia lewat lagu ini :)
I don't know Chinese but Music has power...i can't stop listening. ❤
Lagu kenangan yg TDK mungkin aku lupakan sepanjang hidupku. Pergilah dg tenang sahabatku, bawalah kenangan2 indah kita bersamamu. Kamu tau ... Kamu adalah bagian dr nyawaku... Saat kutau kamu tiada ... Kamu jg membawa sebagian nyawaku😭
Saya Tidak Pandai Boring Dengar lagu. Ini.9Tahun sudah Dengar tapi masih lagi mahu install..
Mi ex novio es Chino, y esta era nuestra canción. Aunque todos la vean como una “canción para niños” para mi es más que eso, para mi es volver a aquellos tiempos y recordar que nos amábamos como el ratón ama el arroz.🥹
LOVEEEE 🥹🥹 JADI KEINGET waktu kecil sering dinyanyiin ini, papa juga sering muterin lagu ini 🥹🥹 trus ikutan nyanyi tapi cuman pas lirik "wo ai ni ai zhe ni" 😅🥺
Saya Indonesia sangat suka lagu ini 😍😘, karena pcarku org china
Ahhhh~ this is so nostalgic! I remember singing this song with my classmates during our high school years! 😭😭😭
Very nostalgic song ❤️❤️❤️
Sering dengerin ini di radio waltu masih SD.. sampe apal lagu nya mskipun banyak yg salah lirik nya
my yaya (house helper) used to sing this to me when i was 6, she left when i was 8 and i have never seen her ever since, she was so kind to me and my fam, hi yaya pam <3, i still know this song by heart and i don't think i'll ever forget it
Akhirnya ketemu jg, lagu yang sudah lama aq cari, ..so romantic song for me since i know this song long long time ago😭😭❤️❤️
I knew this song from my mandarin teacher in school. she used this song for listening test. thanks to her, now I know this masterpiece
Idk. When I was little and my dad play this song in the car, I was dumb and don't care about this, but now the lyric almost make me cry...
Nostalgia ..legendzzz. ...Malaysia hadir
Mengingatkan ku 2013 di negara sebrang sana, ,ldr dengan kekasih hati😂 2024 masih ku dengarkan😢