Hartford Selectboard 11/29/2022

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00:00:00 -- Start Time

01:55:43 -- I. Call to Order the Selectboard Meeting
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Local Liquor Control Board: None
IV. Local Cannabis Control Board: None
V. Order of Agenda
VI. Selectboard
01:57:17 -- 1. Public Comment
2. Selectboard Comments and Announcements
3. Appointments
a. Consider the Re-Appointment of Molly Smith Dunn to the Hartford
Energy Commission for a 3-year term beginning November 29, 2022
and ending November 28, 2025.
b. Consider the Appointment of Gaal Shepherd Crowl to the Hartford
Tree Board for a 3-year term beginning November 29, 2022 and
ending November 28, 2025.
c. New Committee: Hartford Committee on Housing and
Homelessness, term is two years as listed in the Charge.
November 29, 2022 to November 28, 2024.
Alex Belensz
Patrick Danaler
Ralph Hybels
Dan Nott
Michael Redmond
4. Board Reports, Motions & Ordinances
a. Auditors FYE 22 audit presentation

03:39:15 -- Break

b. Town Clerk Budget presentation
c. Police: Parking Ordinance and Social Work
d. Municipal Planning Grant
e. Housing and Homelessness Committee Staff Assignment
f. Board Liaison Town and School Meeting Committee
g. Gates Street (Hill) and Fairview Terrace Retaining Wall
Engineering Selection Committee Recommendation (RFP 2022=HI)
05:20:02 -- VI. Commission Reports
05:21:22 -- VII. Consent Agenda
Approve Payroll Ending: 11/26/2022
Approve Meeting Minutes of 11/15/2022 & 11/22/2022
Approve A/P Manifest of: 11/23/2022 & 11/29/2022
Approve Selectboard Meetings: 12/6/2022; 12/8/2022; 12/13/2022;
12/15/2022 and 12/27/2022.
05:22:51 -- VIII. Executive Session: That in accordance with Vermont's Open
Meeting Law 1 V.S.A. § 313, I move that the Selectboard
enter into Executive Session: To discuss confidential
attorney-client communications of which premature general public
knowledge would clearly place the public body
or person involved at a substantial disadvantage, and the
appointment or employment or evaluation
of a public officer or employee.

VIII. Adjourn the Selectboard Meeting
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