Legendary Godzilla vs Bowser

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Before you start about the argument that Godzilla wins…this is totally cap. Why? Well, let me tell you something, Even as a huge Godzilla fan, Bowser wins. In fact Bowser solos ALL Godzillas, including Godzilla in Hell. Now, before you start the argument or create another Flame War, I'd like to break it down for you. Yes, I’ve seen all Godzilla movies and most comics, including GIH, okay? But, you also need to understand some Mario games too. Remember, size does matter, but NOT always. Size doesn’t always matter, but power does. If you still think Godzilla still beats Bowser, then you’re underestimating the King of the Koopas.

Let me break it down to you, Godzilla is the world-breaking monster, but Bowser…is the UNIVERSAL! If you haven’t played Super Mario Galaxy, then I highly recommend playing it. Godzilla destroyed the world (one time), but Bowser literally destroyed the Universe! Let me tell you why Bowser beats Godzilla. Sure, Godzilla is very durable and has body armor, but Bowser is stronger, smarter, faster, and even…smarter! Bowser has an IQ of over 9000 and I’m not even joking. He created castles, empires, and even his own worlds…all by himself. I mean, sure, some parts did have his minions' help, but most of the time, he made them by himself with his own power. People say that Godzilla killed Bowser by stomping on him. Please…you’re dead wrong. In M&L Bowser’s Inside Story, he was literally squished by some buildings, castles, and even a train, yet, he survived! If you also think that Godzilla can kill Bowser with a single atomic breath, then you’re also dead wrong. Bowser survived the explosion…of the UNIVERSE! Literally, the BIG BANG! And no, Lumas didn’t sacrifice themselves to save him, they sacrificed themselves to create the new galaxies. Therefore, Bowser survived. Also, even when Bowser dies, he turns into Dry Bowser, where he’s literally a living skeleton! If you haven’t seen Super Mario Bros DS or Mario Party 10, then I highly recommend you watch them. Anyway, when Godzilla turns into bones, he’s dead…like he’s no longer living, I mean, watch Godzilla 1954 or Burning Godzilla ending, they turned into bones and died. Speaking of Burning Godzilla, the biggest explosion that he ever made was the meltdown explosion and he destroyed the world, but Bowser, on the other hand, created the Galactic Empire by himself, but then, it exploded and destroyed the galaxy! Even far bigger than the Sun, literally a Supernova! Also, about the black hole, yes, there was the Black Hole scene in Godzilla 2000, but here’s the thing…Godzilla was close to it, but…he didn’t get in it. Bowser, on the other hand, literally sank into the Black Hole…and survived. If you haven’t seen Super Mario Galaxy 2 or Mario Party 9, then I also highly recommend watching them. Not to mention, there were times in some battles when Godzilla ALMOST died. For example, in GvK, Mechagodzilla almost destroyed him, but he was saved by Kong. I know Godzilla was in a weaker state, but even with full power, he’ll still struggle, and the robot will still beat him at all costs. In another one, in KOTM, Ghidorah solos Mothra and Rodan, and nearly kills Godzilla. In fact, the humans were the ones to help him too. Without them, Godzilla is done for.

Now, let’s talk about this stinkin’ issue that “Godzilla in Hell solos Bowser”. I’m…so fed up with that. If you still think GIH beats Bowser, then you’re also dead wrong. Let me explain…yes, I’ve seen the entire series of GIH. Look, the only reason he’s so “powerful” is because, in the last issue, those tiny creatures helped him to create a massive blast to destroy the giant demon creature, God-Demon (who’s blocking the gate from escaping Hell), with every atomic energy. Here’s the thing, those creatures literally ATE him alive and when they found out they have atomic powers, they decided to help him to get resurrected and destroy the God-Demon. (Also, no, God-Demon is NOT the Devil. The Devil is beyond more). Another thing, this only happens ONE time. You need to look at the comic issues again. Also, there were a few times that Godzilla actually died in Hell too. For example, one issue is when he’s fighting against King Ghidorah and Destoroyah. One scene where Ghidorah lifted Godzilla in the air and dropped him. After that, Godzilla was impaled by a skyscraper. And no, Godzilla didn’t survive, he actually died from it, BUT he was reborn again. Why? Because he’s trapped in Hell for eternity. Remember, every creature who dies in Hell will be resurrected, just to continue the eternal torture. Anyway, another one where I mentioned that the creatures ate Godzilla alive. He’s all boned and also died too, but the creatures decided to help him and resurrected…again. My point is, that GIH is not as powerful as many people think. If Bowser was in the same scenario, he’d survive and escape Hell faster because of his power and intelligence.

After all of this, Bowser wins and beats every single Godzilla in one-on-one. People need to understand more carefully before they can say who wins. The fanboys refuse to accept their character’s loss…

Now, if you still believe that Godzilla wins, please tell me to say otherwise.


There is no way a Gamera knockoff is going to beat a atomic lizard I swear to God there is so many bowser meat riders in this chat


Bowser in-games solos Godzilla but in the movie he loses
