Intersectionality is Racist & Sexist - Zuby & Keri Smith

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Zuby and Keri Smith discuss how 'intersectionality' and other so called 'social justice' theories and applications are often regressive and result in people becoming MORE racist and sexist.

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When will I get reparations for the emotional labor of trying to understand this woke nonsense and the destructive ideologies that underpin them?


We need more former SJWs willing to expose it from the inside. This is how cults eventually fall.


I appreciate all that you do, Zuby. I agree with most of what you say - you take the words right out of my mouth! God bless you and be well.


The abuse and misrepresentation of "intersectionality" is one of the pillars that all of this nonsense is built on. The idea of intersectionality makes sense to the extent that taking into account people's identities (race, sex etc) enables you to better cater service to them, but if you take that to it's conclusion and look at ALL the intersections, you end up at individualism, and the intersectional movement is advocating AGAINST that in order to prioritize group identity over individual identity. And the reason the figureheads of the movement are doing that is that THEY stand to gain more by capitalizing on someone else's misfortune when they share an identity, because as INDIVIDUALS they are privileged and powerful - enough to manipulate the language of the culture to neuter the word "woman", for example. Intersectionality is the bludgeon which enables bad actors to assume representation of the less privileged, and leverage it to enrich themselves.


The whole "tenets of whitness" thing is insane. Sometimes I envision woke whites sitting around in Klan robes discussing ways to lecture people on fighting racism with racism.


Reason #8721 I will be homeschooling my children.


If everyone just got on with life and didn't keep putting people into groups we would get on, putting people into groups causes divide .


Found your Chanel today, thank you mate, I respect anyone who’s out there helping people like myself stop being intimidated by rejecting the ideology we bought into. I was sucked in for the past few years and participated in it.
It’s amazing how eye opening a real the world becomes when we step back and see the truth of what this post modernism has turned our society into. 🙏


If a woman says she's a feminist, then force her to be as accountable for her actions as a man is expected to be. You'll soon find out how dedicated to equality she really is..


lol, they forced us, a bunch of truck drivers, to a diversity meeting, and, they actually said that it was not in black culture to be on time. The black guys and gals went ballistic. it was good to see.


I recently heard Tim Pool use the term “neo-racism”, I believe, because of this exact phenomenon. The left has redefined discrimination to mean prejudice plus power, so we need a term to describe the left’s bigotry... neo-racism, neo-sexism, etc. I think it would work well! The right can’t keep letting the left define the terms of discussion!


Keep going America. Keep sharing truths. Call them out. Please everyone please. Share these great truth channels. Discuss them. Theorize with friends fam peers, neighbors etc. help each other find facts. Help call out fcc and msm ms Infor Mation


I remember I was t the pub once talking to a mate of mine who happened be be a French blsck guy and we walked into this room where there was this sjw (we were talking about movies and anime and making jokes and stuff) and when she introduced herself to him she asked him where he was from and he said France and she was like "oh no like, your background) which he answered. She then went on about how much she supports blsck rights and just started having this awkward conversation that none of us wanted to hsve and then went on about how she hates French people... it's like this ideology inheritantly makes people come off as prejudice because they believe that we have to CONSTANTLY be aware of the differences between people and that everyone is sensitive to it. Just treat someone like a fucking human being regardless of what kind of human they are, talk about something you both like that doesn't have to do with how the world is trying to hurt you because you belong in this category. Fucks sake.


I feel so much better hearing you laugh about it, because personnaly I feel really concerned about the growing prevalence of their ideology in our institutions.


The more I hear about it, the more it sounds like some sort of cult.


i watch this whole cast about once a month


Dude why wasn’t this, taught in my school I would have been the coolest student ever : never on time, never finishes tests on time.... that’s funny just imagine


It used to be, treat people with respect and dignity and if you don’t agree with their life choices, religion or sexual and let live, you do you, I’ll do me. don’t interfere or make others comply to your standards! YOLO. But no...that’s not a good standard apparently.


Love seeing the world record Holder for women's weight lifting has his/her/xir own podcast!


So if I'm always late i'm not white? what happens if your black or asian and like to be on time? I don't get the rules?
